

米诺视频为您提供1983年由罗伯特·米彻姆,艾丽·麦古奥,冉-迈克尔·文森特,约翰·豪斯曼,波莉·伯根,莉莎·埃尔巴赫,大卫·杜克斯,托波尔,本·墨菲,皮特·格拉维斯,杰瑞米·坎普,拉尔夫·贝拉米,维多利亚·田纳特,沃尔夫冈·普莱斯,William Woodson,昆特·迈斯纳,赖因哈德·科尔德霍夫,Werner Kreindl,Rainer Penkert,Alexander Kerst,约阿希姆.汉森,Dragomir Stanojevic-Bata Kameni,安东·迪夫伦,巴瑞·摩司,John Carter,黛博拉·温特斯,罗伊·普尔,艾伦·卡思伯森,斯科特·布兰迪,埃德蒙·珀道姆,劳伦斯·普莱斯曼,Lin McCarthy,恩佐·卡斯特拉里,里奥·戈登,伊丽莎白·霍夫曼,费迪·梅恩,斯凯·杜·蒙特,詹姆斯·雷,卡尔-奥托·阿伯提主演,丹·柯蒂斯导演的《战争风云》/原名《The Winds of War》/又名《戰爭與愛情(台)》剧情 爱情 战争 影视在线观看完整版,《战争风云》百度云网盘资源以及《战争风云》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《战争风云》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:In the late 1930s, world politics begin to head in a dangerous direction. In Europe, Germany expands and rearms and proceeds to annex several border countries into the Reich. Meanwhile, Italy attempts to establish a Facist Colonial Empire under Mussolini while the Empire of Japan stands ready for a major war with China. Enter the Henry family, headed by career naval officer Victor "Pug" Henry. "Winds of War" thus follows the exploits of Pug and his children, all of which are set against the backdrop of world events leading up to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941.





日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 Krigets vindar ( The Winds of War ) PART 6
2019-05-12 Krigets vindar ( The Winds of War ) OF LOVE AND WA
2019-05-12 Krigets vindar ( The Winds of War ) DEFIANCE PART
2019-05-12 Krigets vindar ( The Winds of War ) CATACLYSM PART
2019-05-12 Krigets vindar ( The Winds of War ) THE STORM BREA
2019-05-12 Krigets vindar ( The Winds of War ) THE WINDS RISE
2019-05-12 The Winds of War (1983) Complete 6xDVD Box PAL Ret
2019-05-12 Winds.Of.War.6.swesub.Dvdrip.xvid-314rat272
2019-05-12 Winds.Of.War.5.swesub.Dvdrip.xvid-314rat272
2019-05-12 Winds.Of.War.3&4.swesub.Dvdrip.xvid-314rat272
2019-05-12 Winds.Of.War.2.swesub.Dvdrip.xvid-314rat272
2019-05-12 Winds.Of.War.1.swesub.Dvdrip.xvid-314rat272
2019-05-12 The Winds of War VI - Changing of the Guard (WW2 M
2019-05-12 The Winds of War V - Of Love And War (WW2 Miniseri
2019-05-12 The Winds of War IV - Defiance (WW2 Miniseries)
2019-05-12 The Winds of War II - The Storm Breaks (WW2 Minise
2019-05-12 Krigets vindar ( The Winds of War ) PART 7
2019-05-12 Winds.Of.War.7.swesub.Dvdrip.xvid-314rat272
2019-05-12 The Winds of War VII - Into the Maelstrom (WW2 Min
2019-05-12 The Winds of War III - Cataclysm (WW2 Miniseries)
2019-05-12 The Winds of War (1983 WWII Miniseries Complete) A
2019-05-12 The Winds of War Parts I-VII





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