爱德华七世的加冕Le Couronnement du roi Édouard VII(1902)

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分类:短片 历史  地区:法国  年份:1902 


导演:Georges Méliès / 




米诺视频为您提供1902年由未知主演,Georges Méliès导演的《爱德华七世的加冕》/原名《Le Couronnement du roi Édouard VII》/又名《The Coronation of Edward VII》短片 历史 电影在线观看完整版,《爱德华七世的加冕》百度云网盘资源以及《爱德华七世的加冕》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《爱德华七世的加冕》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

Charles Urban

Plot Summary:This impressive ceremony is performed in the order as officially published. Their Majesties, Royalty, Clergy, and other Distinguished Personages taking part in the Coronation are impersonated by accomplished actors and actresses, every detail as to costumes, robes, regalia, coronation chairs, chair of state, Abbey arrangements, etc., being as faithfully reproduced as possible, in order to convey the scene to the millions who are not privileged to witness the actual proceedings. Only such portions of the ceremony as would admit of action have been selected for purposes of this representation, thus greatly reducing the duration of the actual performance, and blending the same into a consecutive series, enacted in the most impressive and dignified manner, and in the following order, viz: 1. His Majesty taking the oath. 2. King Edward kissing the book and signing the oath. 3. The annointing 4. The oblation of the sword. 5. The imperial mantle 6. The orb and sceptres. 7. The crowning of his Majesty in St. Edward's Chair. 8. The King and Queen ascend to the chairs of state.




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