Balked at the Altar(1908)

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分类:喜剧 短片  地区:美国  年份:1908 

主演:Mabel Stoughton Linda Arvidson George Gebhardt D.W. Griffith Robert Harron Arthur V. Johnson Mack Sennett Harry Solter 

导演:D.W. Griffith / 




米诺视频为您提供1908年由Mabel Stoughton,Linda Arvidson,George Gebhardt,D.W. Griffith,Robert Harron,Arthur V. Johnson,Mack Sennett,Harry Solter主演,D.W. Griffith导演的《Balked at the Altar》喜剧 短片 电影在线观看完整版,《Balked at the Altar》百度云网盘资源以及《Balked at the Altar》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《Balked at the Altar》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:Artemisia Sophia Stebbins was a lovelorn maiden who had delved deep into the mysteries of "Three Weeks," as well as being conversant with the teachings of Laura Jean Libby. Her one hobby was to possess a hubby. Many there were whom she tried to hook, but in vain, for truth to say. Arte was of pulchritude a bit shy. She had the complexion of pale rhubarb and a figure like a wheat sack. Still her motto was "nil desperandum," and she was ever hopeful. One thing in her favor, her father. Obediah Stebbins, avowed his aid. Of the visitors who called at the Stebbins' domicile, Hezekiah Horubeak seemed the most probable to corral, so Artemisia set to work. Hez at first was a trifle recalcitrant, but was soon subdued by Obediah's gun, which we must admit possessed egregious powers of persuasion. The day for the wedding was set, and to the village church there flocked the natives to witness this momentous affair. All was progressing serenely until the all-important question was put to Hezekiah,...




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