The Price of Dishonor(1916)

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分类:剧情 短片  地区:美国  年份:1916 


导演:威尔伯特·梅尔维尔 / Wilbert Melville

Wilbert Melville




米诺视频为您提供1916年由未知主演,威尔伯特·梅尔维尔导演的《The Price of Dishonor》/原名《》剧情 短片 电影在线观看完整版,《The Price of Dishonor》百度云网盘资源以及《The Price of Dishonor》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《The Price of Dishonor》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:Kate, the daughter of Colonel Lyon, of the East Indian Service, is loved by Lieutenant Frank Waring, the paymaster, and Captain Eliot, of the Ordnance Department. She prefers Frank, and they are engaged. Eliot is induced to gamble by Grady, a cock fight promoter, and soon he is heavily in debt. Grady threatens to expose him. Kate is visited by Faith Emory, an old friend, who is going to the interior of India as a missionary. Faith meets Frank, and congratulates Kate on her choice. Eliot, in desperate need of money, steals some from the payroll, and in fear of discovery hides the money in Frank's gloves. When a search is made, the money is found and Frank is ordered to his room to await trial. Kate impulsively denounces him. A new consignment of ammunition is received. Eliot tests it and finds that it is worthless. Instead of reporting the matter, he visits the company's agent, and accepts a bribe, as the company would lose important contracts if the truth leaked out. Eliot, elated, pays his debts. He makes love to Kate, and the, in pique at Frank, consents to marry him. Kate receives a letter from Faith, which is brought by a native convert. The letter states that Faith is very ill, and would like Kate to send her medicine. Kate receives permission from the Colonel to go to Faith's relief. She is accompanied by several sepoys, who take with them some of the worthless ammunition for their rifles. A few hours later, Eliot is awakened from a drunken stupor in a dive by the sound of natives in the next house. He hears them tell of a plan to attack the missionaries. He goes back to the post, and informs the men of what he has heard. He is half way sobered when he learns that Kate has gone to Faith's cabin. He rushes to the ammunition room, and discovers that the soldiers have taken the worthless ammunition. The Colonel calls a number of men to ride to Kate's relief, and again the worthless ammunition is being taken. Eliot, unable to stand the strain any longer, breaks down and confesses. The Colonel is distracted. He rushes the soldiers off with full supply of ammunition, and has Eliot confined in the guard room. Frank, learning what has happened, begs the Colonel for a chance to redeem himself, and is allowed to depart with the man. Meanwhile, Kate has arrived at Faith's cabin, and the attack is made. The soldiers discover that their rifle cartridges do not go off, and they have to depend upon their revolvers. The attacking natives surround the cabin, and the little body of defenders is gradually reduced. When Frank and the rescuing party finally come up, only Kate and Faith are alive. Eliot, his conscience sorely tormented by the terrible consequences of his dishonorable act, writes a note which fully exonerates Frank, and then kills himself. On the way home, Kate is ashamed to look at Frank, but when they reach the post, and the true state of affairs is known, she is only too happy to place Frank's ring on her finger again.




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