In the Name of Scheherazade or the First Beergarden in Tehran(2019)

6.0 还行

分类:纪录片  地区:伊朗  年份:2019 


导演:Narges Kalhor / 




米诺视频为您提供2019年由未知主演,Narges Kalhor导演的《In the Name of Scheherazade or the First Beergarden in Tehran》/原名《》纪录片 电影在线观看完整版,《In the Name of Scheherazade or the First Beergarden in Tehran》百度云网盘资源以及《In the Name of Scheherazade or the First Beergarden in Tehran》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《In the Name of Scheherazade or the First Beergarden in Tehran》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:Forget everything you think you know about storytelling. And get ready for a very surreal trip. Narges Kalhor plunges us in a funny and deconstructed joyful apocalypse of a web of stories while following four characters who moved to Germany in order to escape the dire and dangerous political situation of their countries. A Syrian gay teenager fears that his visa might be refused and that he might have to return home. An Iranian girl dreams of a Beergarden in the heart of Tehran. Another one struggles with her film project and her teacher that offers useless advice about the ways of making her work more understandable. And, while Scheherazade spins her stories night after night, the world turns gently upside down. A film that offers new meanings on getting lost in translation, while proposing also new perspectives on communication and multiculturalism. A hymn to the sheer force and freedom of creativity. A film that weaves together many layers of reality, juggling with fiction, mocking documentary and its rules.




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