

米诺视频为您提供2007年由小野坂昌也,青木沙耶香,吉野裕行,宫本充,小林沙苗,藤原启治,阪口大助,小林优,森田成一,广桥凉,千叶进步,太田哲治,有本钦隆,菅生隆之,中田和宏,伊藤美纪,后藤沙绪里,神田朱未,子安武人,三宅健太,山口胜平,大林隆介,若本规夫,井上麻里奈,羽多野涉,伊丸冈笃,永泽菜教,平野俊隆,古泽彻,楠大典,斋藤千和,伊藤静,神奈延年,大畑伸太郎,高垣彩阳,斧笃,长克巳,塚田正昭,速水奖,河本邦弘,浪川大辅,成田剑,小伏伸之,西村知道,杉田智和主演,大森贵弘导演的《永生之酒》/原名《バッカーノ!》/又名《为酒而狂 / Baccano! / Baccano! 大騷動!》喜剧 动作 动画 惊悚 恐怖 犯罪 奇幻 冒险 影视在线观看完整版,《永生之酒》百度云网盘资源以及《永生之酒》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《永生之酒》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:In the year 1711, a group of alchemists are granted an elixir of immortality, with the stipulation that they must kill each other until there can be only one. The now-immortal group unanimously decides it wasn't worth it and destroy the elixir; but one of them, Slizard Quates, starts to kill off his fellow immortals. To reduce the risk of Quates tracking them all down, the group separates and goes their separate ways. Neither of them crosses paths again till 1930, Manhattan, when Quates manages to create a new elixir of immortality. However, he loses it and it ends up going around town, taken to be a bottle of alcohol and unknowingly drunk by many residents. The drinkers of this new elixir include Isaac and Miria, an eccentric pair of thieves; the Gandor brothers, a Mafia family; and their associates in the Camorra, the Martillos (who employ some of the original immortals). Now, not only are a new group of immortals created, but the simmering criminal underworld is about to explode.


日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 [Kamigami] Baccano - 01 [BD x265 1080p AAC(Jap,Eng


日期 资源名称
2019-05-12 Baccano! [Dual Audio] [Blu Ray]
2019-05-11 20160209000000 アニソンCLUB!-i vol.10  【アニ玉祭映像OA】(3) B
2019-05-11 永生之酒



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