今日何从А днес накъде(2007)

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分类:未知 地区:保加利亚  年份:2007 


导演:兰赫尔·伍尔恰诺夫 / 




米诺视频为您提供2007年由未知主演,兰赫尔·伍尔恰诺夫导演的《今日何从》/原名《А днес накъде》/又名《Which Way Today》未知电影在线观看完整版,《今日何从》百度云网盘资源以及《今日何从》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《今日何从》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:In the once cult film \"Where Do We Go From Here?\", (A Sega Nakade?) twenty-six novice actors are left to the mercy of an invisible examining board. An anonymous power grinds them down with intrusive questions and objectionable demands. The humiliated idealists are then faced with an agonizing and interminable wait to discover if they are to be given their big chance in life. Twenty years on, they all meet up for a banquet organized by a colleague posing as a sponsor. Only a few of them have remained faithful to their impoverished Muse, both in their native Bulgaria and abroad, where some have traveled in search of creative freedom. Together with their director, they examine what remains of their ideals and illusions, what has influenced their careers, often far removed from the delusive world of art. They compare their former hopes with their present aspirations, and their powerful recollections of youth with their now routine existence. This night of emotive confession and confrontation passes by in a tide of euphoria and nostalgia. Even the old director gazes with bitterness into his own past.




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