时钟:精神觉醒The Clock: Spirit Awakening(2019)

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分类:恐怖  地区:柬埔寨  年份:2019 

主演:Sorn Piseth Nov Dana Yem Srey 

导演:Leak Lyda / Mo Lin/Leak Lyda

Mo Lin/Leak Lyda




米诺视频为您提供2019年由Sorn Piseth,Nov Dana,Yem Srey主演,Leak Lyda导演的《时钟:精神觉醒》/原名《The Clock: Spirit Awakening》恐怖 电影在线观看完整版,《时钟:精神觉醒》百度云网盘资源以及《时钟:精神觉醒》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《时钟:精神觉醒》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:In the year of 1940, the song Gloomy Sunday was known as the suicide song as many suicides recorded were related to it. Listening to this song has led to a French lady committing suicide as well after the death of her boyfriend, a clock engineer at that time. Her soul was not at peace and it returned with the purpose of fulfilling the desires of other victims of depression. Cheata, a girl living with her father and stepmother after her biological mother, Chanda, left the family, is suffering from depression. Every day she suffers mental and physical abuses from her stepmother. Together with her longing for her true mother, this had led Cheata to slip deeper and deeper into depression. Holding on to her mother's photo and listening to her mother's lullaby every night does little to heal her heartache and depression. It is through this weakness that Cheata succumbed and falls under the control of the spirit of the French Lady who possesses the Clock. After learning about the events that...




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