主演:Rae Spoon
《我在草原的家》为乔西亚·麦缪伦的音乐纪录片,主人翁独立歌手雷·史奔的生命故事看似嬉闹,却饶富哲理甚至令人惆怅。在加拿大草原三省壮观广袤的景色下,史奔悠悠分享自己在性别和音乐上的认同,其变性与音乐历程也在一段段访谈、演出和音乐中一一揭开,过程令人动容。Canadian indie-folk musician Rae Spoon is followed on a concert tour via Greyhound bus through the prairies where they (a self-proclaimed pronoun as he or she are inadequate) grew up. Theirs is a life of dichotomies: being born biologically female, but identifying emotionally as male (hence the reason they does not identify as being a lesbian anymore); having what they describe as a difficult growing up period in the prairies in an evangelically Christian family with a tyrant father, yet embracing their past on the prairies as a shared history which has shaped the person they is; and pursuing a music career, a public oriented career, while realizing that being in the public eye opens them up to potentially dangerous personal situations, not only for them but also their girlfriend (their high school sweetheart), especially on the conservative prairies because of their transgendered status (which is why they assumed the gender neutral name Rae). Through this storytelling, Spoon performs their music, which are highly personal stories of their diverse life.下载电影就来米诺视频,本站资源均为网络免费资源搜索机器人自动搜索的结果,本站只提供最新电影下载,并不存放任何资源。
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