来自洛杉矶东部的声音:奇卡诺摇滚乐Chicano Rock! The Sounds of East Los Angeles(2008)

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分类:纪录片  地区:美国  年份:2008 

主演:Edward James Olmos (Narrotor) 

导演:Jon Wilkman / Jon Wilkman

Jon Wilkman




米诺视频为您提供2008年由Edward James Olmos (Narrotor)主演,Jon Wilkman导演的《来自洛杉矶东部的声音:奇卡诺摇滚乐》/原名《Chicano Rock! The Sounds of East Los Angeles》纪录片 电影在线观看完整版,《来自洛杉矶东部的声音:奇卡诺摇滚乐》百度云网盘资源以及《来自洛杉矶东部的声音:奇卡诺摇滚乐》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《来自洛杉矶东部的声音:奇卡诺摇滚乐》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

二战后的奇卡诺青年们称美国早期南部的爵士乐及其舞蹈是“过去的声音”, 经过导演乔恩·威尔科八年的研究和调查 一部关于拉丁美洲的音乐纪录片《奇卡诺摇滚》得以问世。

Plot Summary:Cannibal and the Headhunters, Thee Midniters, The Premiers, The Romancers, Tierra, El Chicano. To some, the names of these bands from the 60s and 70s may not be immediately familiar. But their music speaks loud and clear. And to this day, generations continue to listen, dance and celebrate to their sounds. In contrast to other rock fans whose enthusiasms pass with each new hit parade, for Chicano audiences, songs from the 1960s are as alive as they were thirty years ago.The roots of Chicano Rock n Roll can be traced to traditional barrios throughout the American Southwest, but most importantly, to the streets and neighborhoods of East Los Angeles. Kids from local schools such as Garfield and Roosevelt High met, played music, and began a musical dialogue with an emerging rock n roll tradition African American rhythm and blues and doo wop, Anglo country and pop, and their own Latin and Mexican heritages.As well see in CHICANO ROCK, from the beginning there were Latin influences on ...




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