汤姆(尼克·诺特 Nick Nolte 饰)是一个典型的美国南方青年,早年间不堪回首的童年经历让他成长为了一个沉默寡言愤世嫉俗的男人,同这个虚与委蛇的世界格格不入。哥哥的死讯让汤姆本来就一团糟的生活陷入了更加彻底的颓废之中,他和妻子莎莉(布莱思·丹纳 Blythe Danner 饰)之间的感情亦因此遭遇了巨大的危机。 汤姆有一个名为沙凡娜(梅林达·狄龙 Melinda Dillon 饰)只身一人在纽约闯荡,然而,她扬名立万的消息并非传来,传来的却是沙凡娜自杀未遂住进了精神病院的噩耗。苏珊(芭芭拉·史翠珊 Barbra Streisand 饰)是沙凡娜的主治医生,她发现了苏珊绝口不提的过去里隐藏着治愈她的秘方。于是,苏珊找到了汤姆,希望他能够助自己一臂之力。The Wingo family is from South Carolina, they growing up in a house on a tidal plain. The oldest offspring, Lucas, largely acted as the protector for his younger twins siblings, Tom and Savannah, in light of their dysfunctional growing up, with their shrimper father, Henry, distant and abusive if/when he did pay them any attention, and their mother, Lila, while not doting on them most concerned about appearances and striving for social standing. Now in middle age, Savannah is a New York based poet, Tom, still living on the South Carolina coast outside of Charleston with his wife Sally and their own three doting daughters, taking a break from his high school teaching/football coaching job, while Lucas has long since died while still standing up for himself and his beliefs. Lila, divorced and now remarried with that wealth and social standing she so long desired, receives news that Savannah is in the hospital following her most recent suicide attempt. Not wanting to face the blame directly as she suspects, she assigns Tom to go to New York to speak to Savannah's therapist, Susan Loewenstein, to provide any information of a family history nature that could help in Savannah's recovery. Tom agrees despite hating New York, and it being not a good time since he and Sally are experiencing marital problems, they both just knowing that things between them are not working, and not having been intimate in months. As Tom and Loewenstein (as he calls her) begin their sessions, Tom is slow to divulge the Wingo family problems to her. But he learns that she too is having her own family problems, with her concert violinist husband Herbert Woodruff being self absorbed and condescending, with their young adult son, Bernard, hating both largely because of they predestining his life also as a concert violinist. Tom and Loewenstein's sessions blossom into a friendship and romance, where their talks, in addition to helping Savannah, may help them both in dealing with their own life problems, Tom's which have been long buried figuratively and literally.下载电影就来米诺视频,本站资源均为网络免费资源搜索机器人自动搜索的结果,本站只提供最新电影下载,并不存放任何资源。
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