美国战队:世界警察Team America: World Police(2004)

6.0 还行

分类:喜剧 动作 动画 冒险  地区:美国   年份:2004 

主演:崔·帕克 马特·斯通 克里斯汀·米勒 Masasa Moyo 达兰·诺里斯 

导演:崔·帕克 / Trey Parker/Matt Stone

Trey Parker/Matt Stone

2004-10-15英语 , 法语 , 阿拉伯语 , 韩语 , 克林贡语



米诺视频为您提供2004年由崔·帕克,马特·斯通,克里斯汀·米勒,Masasa Moyo,达兰·诺里斯主演,崔·帕克导演的《美国战队:世界警察》/原名《Team America: World Police》/又名《美国贱队:世界警察(台) / 环球特警组 / T.A.反恐战队》喜剧 动作 动画 冒险 电影在线观看完整版,《美国战队:世界警察》百度云网盘资源以及《美国战队:世界警察》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《美国战队:世界警察》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:The North American counter-terrorism force Team America attacks a group of terrorists in Paris. Later, the leader of the organization, Spottswoode, invites the famous Broadway actor Gary Johnston to join his world police and work undercover in Cairo, infiltrating a terrorist organization in the hope they will disclose their plan of destroying the world. Team America destroy the cell of terrorists, but then the Panama Canal is attacked by the criminals as a payback. Gary feels responsible for the death of many innocents and leaves the counter-terrorism organization. When the leader of North Korea, Kim Jong Il, joins a group of pacifist actors and actresses with the intention of using weapons of massive destruction, Team America tries to avoid the destruction of the world.




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