诊所惊魂The Clinic(2010)

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分类:悬疑 惊悚 恐怖 犯罪  地区:澳大利亚  年份:2010 

主演:塔布莱特·贝赛尔 弗雷娅·斯塔福 安迪·惠特菲尔德 克莱尔·鲍温 苏菲·洛 伊丽莎白·亚历山大 马塞尔·布拉克斯 艾德丽安·皮克林 哈罗德·霍普金斯 

导演:James Rabbitts / James Rabbitts

James Rabbitts




米诺视频为您提供2010年由塔布莱特·贝赛尔,弗雷娅·斯塔福,安迪·惠特菲尔德,克莱尔·鲍温,苏菲·洛,伊丽莎白·亚历山大,马塞尔·布拉克斯,艾德丽安·皮克林,哈罗德·霍普金斯主演,James Rabbitts导演的《诊所惊魂》/原名《The Clinic》悬疑 惊悚 恐怖 犯罪 电影在线观看完整版,《诊所惊魂》百度云网盘资源以及《诊所惊魂》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《诊所惊魂》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

再过不久,贝茨(Tabrett Bethell 饰)和丈夫卡麦林(安迪·惠特菲尔德 Andy Whitfield 饰)就将迎来属于他们的孩子,两人完全沉浸在幸福

Plot Summary:On Christmas Eve 1979, Cameron and his pregnant fiancée Beth are traveling through the Outback of Australia to spend Christmas with Beth's parents. In the evening, Cameron is driven off the road by a reckless driver and the couple decides to stay in a low-budget hotel in the small town of Montgomery. Late at night, Cameron is hungry and cannot sleep, so he decides to look for a restaurant. He leaves a message for Beth, but the Chinese Sky Dragon is closed and his car runs out of gas. When he returns to his room, Beth is missing and he calls the police. Cameron accuses the cynical and unhelpful hotel receptionist, Marv, but the police office does not believe him. He is arrested when he tries to hit the receptionist but while in the police car, he gets Underwood's gun and takes control of the situation. Meanwhile, Beth awakes in a bathtub full of ice and with a C-section. She seeks out her baby and finds four other women in the same situation. Soon they discover that somebody has stolen their babies and a deranged sixth woman is killing each mother trying to identify her baby.




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