针垫女孩Pin Cushion(2017)

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分类:剧情  地区:英国  年份:2017 

主演:乔安娜·斯坎伦 约翰·亨肖 莉莉·纽马克 Loris Scarpa Sacha Cordy-Nice Bethany Antonia Saskia Paige Martin Sophia Tuckey Lennon Bradley Aury Wayne Charlie Frances Isy Suttie 

导演:德博拉·海伍德 / Deborah Haywood

Deborah Haywood

2017-08-31(威尼斯电影节) / 2018-07-13(英国)英语



米诺视频为您提供2017年由乔安娜·斯坎伦,约翰·亨肖,莉莉·纽马克,Loris Scarpa,Sacha Cordy-Nice,Bethany Antonia,Saskia Paige Martin,Sophia Tuckey,Lennon Bradley,Aury Wayne,Charlie Frances,Isy Suttie主演,德博拉·海伍德导演的《针垫女孩》/原名《Pin Cushion》/又名《编织谎言的女孩(台)》剧情 电影在线观看完整版,《针垫女孩》百度云网盘资源以及《针垫女孩》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《针垫女孩》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:Super close Mother LYN and daughter IONA (Dafty One and Dafty Two) are excited for their new life in a new town. Determined to make a success of things after a tricky start, Iona becomes 'best friends' with KEELY, STACEY and CHELSEA. Used to being Iona's bestie herself, Lyn feels left out. So Lyn also makes friends with BELINDA, her neighbour. As much as Lyn and Iona pretend to each other that things are going great, things aren't going great for either of them. Iona struggles with the girls, who act more like frenemies than friends, and Belinda won't give Lyn her stepladders back. Both Mother and Daughter retreat into fantasy and lies.




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