永远别拿陌生人的糖果Never Take Candy From A Stranger(1960)

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分类:剧情  地区:英国  年份:1960 

主演:Gwen Watford Patrick Allen 费利克斯·艾尔默 

导演:Cyril Frankel / John Hunter

John Hunter




米诺视频为您提供1960年由Gwen Watford,Patrick Allen,费利克斯·艾尔默主演,Cyril Frankel导演的《永远别拿陌生人的糖果》/原名《Never Take Candy From A Stranger》/又名《永不拿陌生人的糖果》剧情 电影在线观看完整版,《永远别拿陌生人的糖果》百度云网盘资源以及《永远别拿陌生人的糖果》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《永远别拿陌生人的糖果》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!

当彼得·卡特发现他9岁的女儿成为镇上最有权势家庭的恋童癖家长的受害者时,他遭到了官方的抵制。 镇上新任命的校长彼得·卡特和他的妻子萨莉的九岁女儿让·卡特和她11

Plot Summary:Jean Carter, nine-year-old daughter of the town's newly-appointed school principal, Peter Carter and his wife Sally, is playing in the woods with her 11-year-old friend Lucille, when Jean discovers she has lost her purse containing her "candy" money. Lucille tells her she knows where they can get sweets for nothing, and leads her to an imposing mansion, from which the owner, Clarence Olderberry, Sr., a tall, gaunt man of 70 has been watching the girls from a window. That night Jean, unable to sleep, tells her parents that Oldeberry made her and Lucille dance before him nude in exchange for some candy. Carter files a complaint, but the local police chief, Captain Hammond, is skeptical of Jean's story and warns Carter that the Oldenberry family put the town on the map and have far more standing in the community than the new-comer Carters. Oldenberry, Jr. also tells Carter that if he follows up on the complaint he may be certain that Oldenberry's lawyers will show Jean no mercy. In the ensuing trial, the defense lawyers confuse Jean, make her an uncreditable witness, and Oldenberry is acquitted, after the enraged Carter attacks him physically in court. While her parents are packing to leave town, Jean and Lucille again are playing in the woods, and are approached by Oldenberry, and the two girls flee in blind panic. Reaching a desolate lake, they find an old rowboat and attempt to escape in it, but the mooring rope is still attached to the shore. And Oldenberry is using it to pull the boat and the girls to him.

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