咱们裸熊 第一季

6.0 还行

原名:We Bare Bears又名:熊熊遇见你(台) / 熊熊三贱客 / 咱们好熊弟

分类:喜剧 / 动画 /  美国  2015 

简介: 本作主人公是三只拟人化的熊,分别是热血灰熊Grizzly(埃里克·埃德尔斯坦 E


咱们裸熊 第一季影评:We Bare Bears咱们裸熊之白熊语录

EP1 Our Stuff 咱的东西
00:42 Ice Bear has ninja stars.
00:48 Game time!
01:42 Ice Bear meant to do that.
02:31 The bagpack.
02:42 Ice Bear's ninja stars.
02:50 Ice Bear wants justice.
03:28 Ice Bear needs latte.
03:48 Ice Bear has a conspricy theory.
07:48 Ice Bear wants to get moving.
10:16 Game time!
10:48 Ice Bear bought this leagally.

EP2 Viral Video 爆红影片
01:12 Ice Bear charges extra.
01:29 Bon appetite.(法语)
01:34 ありがとう(日语)
02:25 Ice Bear will hunt them down.
03:45 Ice Bear enjoys basking.
03:53 Internet famous.
04:50 Press tag Ice Bear for President.
06:07 Ice Bear should have trained before coming.
07:28 Ice Bear has beening sleeping for fifteen minutes.
10:48 Don't---- Ice Bear.
11:14 Cheers!

EP3 Food Truck 快餐车
00:42 Ice Bear is tired of staring at this guy's butt.
01:15 Goodbye,cruel world.
01:50 Ice Bear regrets eating that.
03:13 Ice Bear knows.
03:50 Ice Bear's in.

EP4 Chloe 蔻伊
01:40 Ice Bear has too many serects.
02:17 Ice Bear has never seem a smaller person.
04:26 Ice Bear believes in you.
05:25 Ice Bear smells like a clean baby.
05:38 Ice Bear settles that of court.
08:06 Bears are smart.Congratulations,bear!
09:31 Ice Bear feels shamed.
11:00 Ice Bear will share his secrets,about other bears mostly.

EP5 胖达的约会
03:46 Ice Bear's going to fill stomach like Pinata.
05:30 Ice Bear requires booster seat.
05:49 Ice Bear made her Pashmina.
10:30 Vomit.
11:10 Ice Bear would have been less charming.

EP6 Everyday Bear 熊的日常
11:26 Done!

EP7 Burrito 卷饼
01:05 Ice Bear will have more free chips.
01:36 Ice Bear wants seperate checks.
02:03 Finished.
06:06 Ice Bear feels nauseous.
06:26 Ice Bear forced to agree.
07:13 Ice Bear sees where this is going.
10:07 Ice Bear demands everyone showers.

EP8 荒野求生
02:16 Ice Bear putting finishing touches on your turtleneck.
02:35 Ice Bear needs more bug spray.
02:55 Ice Bear comes prepared.
03:05 Ice Bear will never share again due to gravity.
03:36 Ice Bear will not bless you.
03:50 Ice Bear will miss yoga today.
07:33 Yes, yes.Rejoice.
11:01 Ice Bear is okay with this.

EP9 Jean Jacket 邪恶夹克
01:32 Ice Bears found comb.
02:31 This is the best thing to happen to ice Bear.
04:15 Ice Bear needs it for everyday hustling.
04:25 Ice Bear is getting wet.
05:03 Ice Bear needs to see proof of ownership.
05:26 Ice Bear highly doubts that.
07:35 Jean jacket is mean jacket.
10:31 Ice Bear cried, but just inside.

EP10 Nom Nom 嚼嚼小婊砸
03:05 Ice Bear hates butts.
04:03 Ice Bear wants no part of this.
07:48 Ice... Ice Bear is down here.

EP11 Shush Ninjas 噤声忍者
01:32 Ice Bear wants his money back.
01:39 Ice Bear heard wrappers, not hip-pop.
02:20 Ice Bear will shush, unshushable.
03:41 Ice Bear believes.
07:17 Ice Bear accomplished mission, sort of.
10:58 Ice Bear refuses praise.

EP12 My Clique 我的朋友圈
00:56 Boat.Pizza.Statue of Liberty.Snowman.Whale.Spider monkey.Richard Nixon.Old Faithful.I Know Why the Cage Bird Sings.
02:44 Ice Bear will make them love Chloe.
04:07 All Ice Bear's friends are future enemies.
04:22 Go for their legs.
05:13 ANIASEYO(韩语:你好)
05:45 Ice Bear.
06:10 Ice Bear will make everyone kow that.
06:20 祝你们有一个愉快的夜晚(韩语)。
06:31 Ice Bear can make Chloe look like a grandma.
07:55 Meet Chloe. She is very old.
11:07 Chloe is going to biochemistry at 11:00 AM.

EP13 Charlie 查理
00:41 Ice Bear woke up like this.But why?
00:18 Ice Bear hates sharing.
01:26 Ice Bear wouldn't show that off.
01:45 Ice Bear will protect you.
04:36 Ice Bear's special soup ready.
05:06 You don't speak for Ice Bear.

EP14 Brother UP 熊与争锋
01:13 Ice Bear could go for 100.
03:02 Ice Bear sees bunnies.
03:51 Ice Bear owes you big.
03:56 Show Ice Bear how to do that.
05:14 Ice Bear can get new sushi knife.
08:44 Ice Bear to the rescue.
09:58 Ice Bear thinks we need help.
11:03 Ice Bear wants to be top bear now.

EP15 Occupy Bears 占据熊居
01:20 Ice Bear sees many code violations.
02:57 Ice Bear has never seen a larger planpen.
03:54 Ice Bear has a recyclable bottle.
05:20 Ice Bear will waait outside.
06:53 Ice Bear dreams for a good school district.
07:52 Ice Bear does not approve.
08:37 Ice Bear likes turtles.
10:39 Ice Bear not entirely opposed.
10:53 Ice Bear has made front door.

EP16 Panda's Sneeze 潘达的喷嚏
02:45 Ice Bear is proud of you.
08:27 Ice Bear thinks you're precious.
10:32 Ice Bear is still proud of you. Proud bear.

EP17 The Road 寻路记

EP18 Emergency 紧急情况
11:09 Ice Bear is good.

EP19 Tote Life 环保袋生活
00:42 Ice Bear likes mint soap.
03:37 Respect. Keep real.
03:43 Ice Bear also feels acceptance.
03:47 Tote life.
04:22 Cornflower blue.
05:19 Ice Bear apologizes.
07:02 Tote life.
07:04 Tote wrap.
07:19 Drink tote tea.
08:42 Ice Bear is to blame.
08:49 Ice Bear wants out of tote life.
10:20 Ice Bear is a survivor. Hero.

EP20 Charlie & The Snake 查理和蛇
01:26 Ice Bear is calliing the cops.
02:42 Ice Bear respects your attempt.

EP21 Vedio Date 网络约会
00:38 You stopped rowing.Canoe started spinning.
01:08 What will you do in France?
01:52 Ice Bear's got this.
01:56 You're welcome.
02:39 Ice Bear will coach you into manhood.
05:22 Ice Bear ready...Panda ready to make good impression.
05:35 Panda pense que votre anglais est tr e s belle.(法语)
06:03 Ice...Ice Bear sleeps in fridge.
07:45 Ice Bear ready for round two.
08:46 Ice...Panda writes poetry. Mon coeurs,mon coeurs,tu me manque...
10:22 Ice Bear est d e sol e.

EP22 Pet Shop 宠物店

EP23 Chloe and Ice Bear 蔻伊和白熊
02:04 Ice Bear has errands.
02:14 Ice Bear already mentioned errands.
03:01 Ice Bear is bored.
04:18 Ice Bear is not impressed.
04:26 Ice Bear has already read these.
04:31 Ice Bear already has fridge.
04:35 Ice Bear is his own wheels.
05:01 Ice Bear knows CPR.
06:54 And a map.
08:42 Ice Bear thinks it's time to go home...And hide.Like albino alligator.
08:54 Chloe.

EP24 Cupcake Job 杯糕工作
01:00 Ice Bear made kettle corn.
01:25 Ice Bear is sad.
01:34 Ice Bear always offliine.
01:40 Ice Bear not guilty.
02:52 Ice Bear wants to work here forever.
10:51 Ice Bear enjoyes the sandwich.
04:10 Cupcake.Cupcake.Cupcake.
10:52 Ice Bear got paid.
11:01 Ice Bear has a confession to make.

EP25 Hibernation 冬眠
01:00 Ice Bear finds that fascinating.
01:03 Ice Bear can swim up to 100 miles at a time.
01:18 Ice Bears wash ourselves with snow instead of water.
01:48 Ice Bears have rough paws to prevent slipping on ice.
01:52 Ice Bear can also...
02:07 Ice Bears do.Lady Ice Bears.
02:23 Yes.
04:42 Ice Bear has decided, not into hibernation.
04:58 The world isn't ready for what Ice Bear can do.
10:08 Only large bears.
10:24 Ice Bear wants to watch it again.

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