Der Schatz der Azteken(1965)

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分类:西部 冒险  地区:西德   年份:1965 

主演:莱克斯·巴克 杰拉尔·巴里 里克·巴塔利亚 米歇尔·希哈董 福斯托·托齐 加斯塔沃·罗乔 

导演:罗伯特·西奥德梅克 / 卡尔·梅 Karl May

卡尔·梅 Karl May




米诺视频为您提供1965年由莱克斯·巴克,杰拉尔·巴里,里克·巴塔利亚,米歇尔·希哈董,福斯托·托齐,加斯塔沃·罗乔主演,罗伯特·西奥德梅克导演的《Der Schatz der Azteken》/又名《Mercenaries of the Rio Grande》西部 冒险 电影在线观看完整版,《Der Schatz der Azteken》百度云网盘资源以及《Der Schatz der Azteken》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《Der Schatz der Azteken》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:Dr. Karl Sternau, the personal physician of the count Bismarck, who spent much of his youth in Mexico, is sent back to that country during the occupation by French troops in the service of the Austrian 'Emperor' Maximilian, to carry an encouraging letter from U.S. President Lincoln to the nationalist Mexican president Benito Juarez. It's good news, but there's no cash- both men wonder whether that's to be found in the legendary treasure of the Aztecs (hence the German title), the whereabouts of which an ancient priest has just disclosed to the female heiress of the Aztec imperial family. Meanwhile they turn for -promised- support to Mexico's largest landowner, whose laborers are all Aztec descendants, count Don Fernando de Rodriganda y Sevilla, whose son and heir conde Alfonso is a gambling squanderer...

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