通往埃文利之路 第四季Road to Avonlea(1993)

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分类:剧情 家庭 冒险  地区:美国   年份:1993 

主演:萨拉·波莉 扎卡里·贝内特 特里特·威廉斯 罗比·本森 杰姬·布罗斯 H.A.R. Thomson Gema Zamprogna 麦格·拉夫曼 Lally Cadeau 塞德里克·史密斯 Harmony Cramp 

导演:Don McBrearty / Otta Hanus / 史蒂芬·瑟吉克 / Graeme Campbell / Robert Boyd / Harvey Frost / Deborah Nathan/Leila Basen

Deborah Nathan/Leila Basen




米诺视频为您提供1993年由萨拉·波莉,扎卡里·贝内特,特里特·威廉斯,罗比·本森,杰姬·布罗斯,H.A.R. Thomson,Gema Zamprogna,麦格·拉夫曼,Lally Cadeau,塞德里克·史密斯,Harmony Cramp主演,Don McBrearty,Otta Hanus,史蒂芬·瑟吉克,Graeme Campbell,Robert Boyd,Harvey Frost导演的《通往埃文利之路 第四季》/原名《Road to Avonlea》剧情 家庭 冒险 影视在线观看完整版,《通往埃文利之路 第四季》百度云网盘资源以及《通往埃文利之路 第四季》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《通往埃文利之路 第四季》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:As Olivia nears the end of her pregnancy, Jasper's eccentric and bohemian family comes to Avonlea to help look after the baby once it arrives. Jasper was expecting two people at most, but several dozen of his family descend on the town. With the White Sands Hotel full, they are scattered to Alec and Janet's house as well as Rose Cottage, much to the dismay of all the adult Kings, who have no idea how long they will have to put up and put up with these strangers. What's worse for Hetty is that Olivia has taken up the offer of cousin Selina Dale, who takes after her mother Minerva as a free expressionist, to stay for a year to look after the baby while Olivia goes back to work. Hetty will not allow a King baby to be raised by weirdos, she who alternately decides to take a sabbatical from work to care for the baby. Beyond the resulting squabbling going on between the King and Dale families about the care of the baby, Olivia and Jasper ponder what they will be like as parents. In particular, they discuss the possibility of Jasper getting a steady job to provide a more stable home life for the baby, despite that going against Jasper's general nature.

通往埃文利之路 第四季的影评列表




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