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原名:The Discovery又名:发现

分类:剧情 / 爱情 / 科幻 / 悬疑 /  美国  2017 

简介: 在“来世”被科学证实存在的一年后,数以百万计的人希望结束生命以到达来世。此时一对


爱有来世影评:A say-your-prayers type

1.Consciousness should be considered as another state of matter.Propertied of consciousness arise from the physical laws that govern our universe.支配宇宙的物理定律.

2.Isla:Maybe.Knowing could change thiings.

3.Harbor:And let your subconscious take you somewhere else.潜意识

4.Will:I'm sort of amazed that you get swept up in this,this easily.You don't strike me as a say-your-prayers type.动不动就祈祷.
Isla:Just because somebody doesn't believe in God doesn't mean they can't pray.

5.Will:Well what if it did?How would that change things?
Isla:You don't go on vacation without looking at the brochure first.

6.Woman's voice:Those that we have lost are not lost at all,remain what they are,then it's us who are lost.其实是我们迷失了.

7.Lacey:Please don't lose faith in me.
Harbor:Faith.Oh,God.I have such contempt for that word.Show me someone relies on faith and I'll show you someone who's given up control over whatever it is they believe.但凡有人依靠信任就会有人过度信任,最后结局一发不可收拾.Sorry,there's nothing more I can do for you.Lacey.

8.Will:I've been thinking a lot about the difference between what something is and what something means.It has something to do with not pressing the reset button even if things gets really rough.

9.Will:We're a bunch of people running around,making the same mistakes over and over.And I don't know why we think it'll be different somewhere else.Unless we learn that we're supposede to learn while we're here.

10.Harbor:I knew I saw her.Like a dream that you can't remember.

11.Harbor:When we die,what if we travel to an alternate version of our own life?A second chance.
Will:Then we wouldn't...just have to acept our biggest regret.In the afterlife,we could change it.

12.Isla:You kept coming back until you saved me.
Will:I didn't save you,you died.
Isla:There's more than one way to save somebody,Will.


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