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原名:Masterpiece - The Manners of Downton Abbey又名:《唐顿庄园》的礼仪

分类:纪录片 /  英国  2015 

简介: 纪录片《唐顿庄园中的礼仪》由《唐顿庄园》的历史顾问Alastair Bruce讲


唐顿庄园中的礼仪影评:Edwardian Britain Manners(1901-1910)

Alstair Bruce, historian, expert on British royal ceremony礼仪
It's a constant struggle, which I adore. 过程麻烦不断,但是我喜欢;
The body language was very restrained,It's not polite to sort of slouch;
It's a very dog-eat-dog world amongst the staff;仆人之间竞争残酷
Don't call her "Your Grace",call her "Duchess";公爵夫人
If I were to search for logic, I should not look for it among the English upper class(Dowager);
Not worse than a maid serving a duke(Carson);
without that we would be like the wild men of Borneo(Countess),婆罗洲,加里曼丹岛旧称
Dinner is served, Your Ladyship(Carson);
Dinning:sit up straight, gloves on lap underneath napkin, hands never on the table,remember which course you are on for which wine;
Three glasses, bigger one for red wine, small one for water, even smaller one for white wine;
The back of chair was never for anyone to lean back on,purely decorative, footman has sth to hold;
teaspoon, egg spoon, melon spoon, grapefruit spoon, jam spoon, bouillon spoon肉羹匙
she'll be fit as a flea tmr生龙活虎
say grace 祝祷
sumptuous display奢华的炫耀
The immaculate presentation was a statement of moral correction 无可挑剔的礼仪展示
Carson has a rod with measurement on it, and that determines the place settings btw each place and the next, btw the chair n the table, btw the plate n glasses;
The didn't use their fingers without gloves on.不戴手套不碰餐具
downstairs who serves what was also a reflection of where power lay;
First footmen always take the meat荤菜
look poised 镇定自若
No one takes a bite before Cora does, the hostess;
hostess turn,guests can turn in a particular direction for conversation to make fair.

Marriage was always about power and land;land must, above all, be kept in one piece(income&right to rule);
You can't be serious;你没在开玩笑吧
a man who can barely hold his knife like a gentleman?餐桌做礼仪都不懂的男人?
Oh,you exaggerate
Women had absolutely no position or power until they were married;
A young lady could not marry until she had been presented at court;在宫廷觐见陛下后
“coming out”成人礼舞会
You had a train over your hair, and the length of the train was absolutely, to a cm, controlled,From shoulder to floor, no less than 3 yards ;头纱
The no. of feathers said who was who.显示身份 unmarried young ladies wore 2,married chaperones wore 3;
A young lady's presentation to the king & queen was her entry into society, she has the monarchy blessing as a suitable wife;
"the seasons"社交季
eligible men如意郎君
women wouldn't have clinked their glasses\cheers;say"your good health"祝您健康
posh bible贵族圣经书 nothing to do with money, but about your lineage and your line:a marriage that enhanced the family;
A system they are trapped in:How little emotion you are allowed to show
Courtship is not permitted amongst servants, it was frowned upon不为人赞成;
marriage challenged your loyalty to the family, service had to be your life;+practical reason:
Men and women had separate sleeping quarters in the house;
单独外出见男人was to risk their good name forever;
no wearing gloves was practically naked;
British hadn't always maintained a stiff upper lip.冷淡矜持
says with conviction坚定不疑
to follow through everything you say言出必行
You have to be incredibly rude to be an Edwardian; you have to be very rude to be posh.
with a blank face 面无表情,没反应
to be utterly discreet 守口如瓶
tittle-tattle wasn't just local 从前流言蜚语只是在。。。
a pariah from society 社會棄兒
The second rule is to never burden your master with your own trouble.
There's a finality to that. 一切已成定局;
I see any way around it无能为力
Him least of all 最不要告诉他
bring dispute on herself
I took a walloping from Mr.Sampson. 输惨了。
You would never prompt a conversation. 先开口
there's a decorum there. 规矩重重
The aristocracy wore impractical华而不实,high-maintanence clothing proclaimed privilege
ladies and gentlemen appeared effortless. 优雅从容
ladies' dress is extravagantly elaborate and guided by myriad rules.
you're not getting the same amount of oxygen to your brain that you would normally. So it creates a very passive personality.
It's not so applicable now.Because we are now in 1924, and the clothes were giving us much more license to .....and I don't think it's a coincidence that women were suddenly demanding to have their opinions heard...because they could actually breathe.
For gentlemen: you have to screw yourself into a starch-ironed, cardboard kind of shirt.
No hands shaking at that time.
New money was loud,strident and successful.不可一世

餐具与桌边的距离 椅子离桌边的距离 都要用尺度量

帽子是身份的象征,上头的人怎么戴都行,无须show off,大家都知道你是landlord啦,下头的就只能戴戴cloth hat啦,bowler hat太贵啦

Girls spent much of their time changing

Effortlessly 译为 与生具来的气质
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