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原名:Masterpiece - The Manners of Downton Abbey又名:《唐顿庄园》的礼仪

分类:纪录片 /  英国  2015 

简介: 纪录片《唐顿庄园中的礼仪》由《唐顿庄园》的历史顾问Alastair Bruce讲


唐顿庄园中的礼仪影评:"Hard as it is for an Englishman to say the words."

出于对《唐顿庄园》的喜爱,所以对爱德华时期的这些贵族礼仪也很感兴趣。记得当时看了一条微博上,在拍摄《唐顿庄园》期间,其取景地海克利城堡(Highclere Castle)的主人就开始吐槽说《唐顿庄园》的排场不够大。当时我就蒙圈了,这排场还不行,那当时的真实情况估计华丽奢侈到令人发指吧。所以就开始看这部记录片喽。

本片由《唐顿庄园》的历史顾问Alastair Bruce从就餐礼仪、婚姻大事、言行举止、着装要求、工作责任这几个方面讲述爱德华时代的贵族礼仪。细节决定成败,尤其是一部历史剧更应如此,每个情节都经得起推敲实属不易。


1、The reason we take such trouble with the dining room scenes is that they say grace at the beginning and that makes it the Lord's table.

And all the detail and sumptuous display and the manners reflect the struggle that they all have to achive a similarly perfect moral approach to life.The immaculate presentation was a statement of moral correctness to all.(所有这些繁琐的礼节、奢华的炫耀都反映了他们是如何想方设法来实现一种近乎完美且合乎道德的生活方式。这种无可挑剔的礼仪是在展示道德的正确。)

2、A young lady could not marry until she had been presented at court.It was the start of a busy year known as her "coming out".(年轻的贵族小姐要在宫廷里觐见国王之后才能结亲,觐见标志着成人礼社交季的开始,贵族小姐们将度过无比忙碌的一年。)

3、I love the glorious formality of Edwardian life.The rules they had to behave by were a mixture of straightforward practicality and fear.(我热爱爱德华时代那种恪守礼节的生活方式,那些他们必须遵守的规矩,既有明确的实用性,也暗含贵族的恐惧。)

《Downtown Abby》中公爵对玛丽小姐说“You're my daring daughter and I love you.Hard as it is for an Englishman to say the words.”从中英国人的含蓄、内敛显露无疑。


The British hadn't always maintained a stiff upper lip.Only a century earlier,the passions of French Revolution so terrified the British aristocracy that a cool reserve became the defination of good character.There was a very real fear that without formality,the authority of the aristocracy could slip and the society would fall apart.So the aristocracy cultivated manners that protected their position.(英国人倒不是一直都这么冷淡矜持。仅仅一个世纪前,激情澎湃地法国大革命另英国贵族们胆战心惊,以至于他们将冷淡矜持推广为一种优良品质。这想法实则暗含贵族们的恐惧,他们担心如果没有了那些严格的规矩束缚,贵族的权威将不复存在,而整个社会体系也会分崩离析。所以贵族阶层苦心恪守各种规矩其实是为了保住他们的地位。)

4、Clothes mattered to the Edwardians,because every detail meant something.
The aristocracy wore impractical,high--maintenance clothing that proclaimed privilege.(贵族的衣服都华而不实,需要精心打理,但这都显示出贵族的特权。)
It sort of said,"I don't have to do any work and I have help putting this on."A great deal of effect went in to making sure that ladies and gentlemen appeared effortless.And why?Because it said,"we're in charge."
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