
6.0 还行

原名:The Accidental Tourist又名:稀客 / 萍水相逢

分类:剧情 / 爱情 /  美国  1988 

简介: 一名旅游书作家在丧子及妻子离开他的低潮期,碰到了改变他的女人吉娜·戴维斯,她主动


意外的旅客影评:Accidental tourist in your/my life

I stopped on HBO when I saw William Hurt on the screen. I remember I saw one or two films he led and though he looks dull but elegent, his movies turn out to be to my likings.

The story is about a writer of travel guide, who is confined to his established but stubbon attitudes to the world. He splits with his wife and refuses to get in contact with people. However there is a fluffy woman from lower class attracted him and for a weired reason, he decides to live with her. But it doesn't last long till his wife comes back to his arms. His life goes on in the old track again.

Then things change in Paris. I remember a film named Sabrina, the leading actress said " I found myself in Paris". The same thing happened to the leading actor in the Accidental Tourist. He realized the former life with his wife was not something he wanted, he needs that vulgar woman in his life.

Even though that vulgar woman was not told why she was rejected when his wife showed up or why she was wanted again in Paris, she is happy just for getting a man. The ending is pretty much like the ending of Sabrina as well.

I wonder why woman is just happy for having a man returning to them without a reason. Are they just satisfied with being wanted? or are they simply happy for having a man?

The whole story is well structured except the ending (of course just personal opinion). The distinct demonstration of the contradictary characters of William Hurt and of his brothers and sister gives the film the extra philosophic touch. The tone of film is calm if not cool, but however music adds in lukewarm sense.

Two actresses (Geena Davis & Kathleen Turner as vulgar woman from lower class and beautiful but hypocratic wife respectively) performed brilliantly. Both of them grasp the characteristics of the their characters and desmonstrate vividly with their applauded skills.
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