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原名:The House That Jack Built又名:杀上瘾(港) / 杰克盖的房子(台) / 此房杰克造

分类:惊悚 / 恐怖 / 犯罪 /  丹麦   2018 

简介: 林间公路,面无表情的杰克(马特·狄龙 Matt Dillon 饰)搭载了一名汽车


此房是我造影评:转自IMDB - 关于电影最后部分的解读

影片的最后部分描绘了杰克和他的向导 维吉尔 (Verge)穿越黑暗地下世界的奇怪航行,其方式与但丁(Dante Alighieri)著名的14世纪意大利诗歌“La Divina Commedia”(神曲)相似,但Dante本人在地狱中被引导( 'Inferno')并最终由角色Virgil给上帝。在一个场景中,Verge清楚地表明自己是史诗“埃涅伊德”的作者,这是由罗马诗人维吉尔在现实生活中写的。在“神曲”中,但丁通过地狱之门进入地狱的前庭,在冰库的门上象征着杰克只能设法在末端附近打开以找到另一边的韦尔奇。然后可以看到杰克和弗格穿过凄凉的河流,在经典描绘的但丁和维吉尔做同样的事情。地狱由九层(圆圈)组成,每层都是为了惩罚特定类型的罪人。他们经过一个黑暗的森林里的小屋,让人想起《反基督者》(2009年)的小屋,可能象征着惩罚欲望的第二个层。他们游泳和漂浮的阴暗水域可能代表第五层,愤怒,对于那些对别人抱有恶意的人。地狱的最低层通常是为那些犯下背叛罪的人保留的,但是Verge告诉杰克他只带他到那里观光,因为杰克属于上面几层的(可能是第七层,这是保留的对于那些对他人实施暴力的人)。当杰克试图爬出地狱而跌倒在地下时,他可能最终会进入地狱的实际中心,那些背叛上帝的人会受到路西法(撒旦)本人的惩罚。
The final part of the film depicts the strange voyage of Jack and his guide Verge through the underworld in a similar way to Dante Alighieri's famous 14th century Italian poem "La Divina Commedia" (The Divine Comedy), where Dante himself is guided through Hell ('Inferno') and eventually to God by the character Virgil. In one scene, Verge clearly identifies himself as the author of the epic "Aeneid", which was written by the Roman poet Virgil in real-life. In the Divine Comedy, Dante enters the vestibule of the underworld through the Gates of Hell, symbolized by the door in the freezer that Jack only manages to open near the end to find Verge on the other side. Jack and Verge can then be seen crossing the river of wailing in a classic depiction of Dante and Virgil doing the same. Hell consists of nine floors (circles) with each floor created to punish a specific type of sinner. They pass by a cabin in a dark forest that is reminiscent of the one from Antichrist (2009), and may symbolize the second circle that punishes the lustful. The murky waters that they swim through and float in may represent the fifth circle, Wrath, for those who bear ill will towards others. The lowest circle of Hell is typically reserved for those who have committed the sin of treachery, but Verge tells Jack that he only took him there for sight-seeing, as Jack belongs a couple of circles up (possible the seventh circle, which is reserved for those who committed violence against others). When Jack tries to climb his way out of Hell and falls down below, he may end up in the actual center of Hell, where those who have committed treachery against God are punished by Lucifer himself.


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  • 7.4分 高清


  • 6.4分 高清


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  • 6.4分 高清


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