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原名:Where to Invade Next又名:美猪出城(港) / 美国插旗大使(台) / 插旗攻城市(台) / 下一步占领哪

分类:纪录片 /  美国  2015 

简介: 麦可.摩尔(Michael Moore)是美国最具影响力的导演之一,这次他要「侵



Italy, France, Slovenia, German, Norway,Tunicia, Portugal, Iceland, these are the places where Michael Moore travelled to shoot the film.
These countries don't have much in common but they DO share one value: respect people's dignity and maximize the efficiency of civil services.
A: Italians enjoyed the longest life expectancy in Europe. Why? Coz they are granted a 80-days off-paid leave annually, this enable them to go traveling everywhere, just as the couples did
B: French put much emphasis on education, each child are taught to learn the civility through a mere 20-minute lunch time, where they get to know how to share foods with peers.
C: Albeit Slovenia is not a relatively well-off country, it enrolls international students at university level and charge them free.
D: German follows a strident working patten as the Union plays a central role in monitoring if the boards are leading the company on the right track, thus there are less scandals in big German companies.
E: Norway is famous for its lenient punishment on the convicts. Being in jail is like going on a vacation, inmates are given free space and has his own privacy even if it's about a murder case.
F: Tunicia fight for the equal rights of women many years ago and scored impressive achievements, thanks to the brave women who made their voices heard through endless blazes&trails.
G: Portugal police?? They are the saints to some suspects as they don't judge o arrest anyone suspected of wrongdoings. Unimaginable!
H: The first democratically elected Prime minister in Europe was made in Iceland, so women of that island are the most dependent compared to other ladies as I observe.
So what about Uncle Sam?
The film offered many solutions and possibilities.
However, i doubt there will be a radical change in the way they handle their citizens.
Good job anyway!
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