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原名:The Butler又名:白宫第一管家(台) / The Butler

分类:剧情 / 传记 /  美国  2013 




「Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. — Martin Luther King Jr.」

「When I got older, I knew I had to go before he killed me, too. Part of me was scared to leave. It was the only world I ever knew. My mama never spoke much after that. I knew she'd miss me, but I also knew she wanted me to leave that place. And even though Ms Annabeth never said it, I knew she'd miss me, too. I don't think God meant for people to not have a family. Outside the cotton fields was even worse than I thought it would be. No one would give me a job nor food nor a place to sleep. Any white man could kill any of us at any time and not be punished for it. The law wasn't on our side. The law was against us. I was hungry all the time.」

「I'm a house nigger, a good one.

Don't you ever use that word, son. That's the white man's word. It's filled with hate.」

「It was different sitting at the table instead of serving it. Real different. I could see the two faces the butlers wore to survive. And I knew I'd lived my life with those same two faces. Gloria looked so happy, but I didn't feel the same way. I guess I wished we were there for real instead of for show.」

「Louis was never a criminal. He was a hero, fighting to save the soul of our country.」

「America has always turned a blind eye to what we done to our own. We look out to the world and judge. We hear about the concentration camps but these camps went on for two hundred years right here in America.」

「Hi, Dad.

Hi, Louis.

What are you doing here?

I came here to protese with you.

You'll get arrested, Dad. You'll lose your job.

I lost you. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, son.」

「I never imagined I'd see a black man be a real contender for the President of the United States.」

「The president's so excited to meet with you. Let me show you the way.

I know the way.」


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