Buenos Aires真是个烂地方,比Bilbao和Marseille都要烂。这里就是一个监狱,街道造得像囚室一样,人们面无表情的走来走去,对人机警得好像随时都会被暗杀,真希望永远不回来,用英语说就是I wish,意思是“我希望”,“我希望”和“我想要”近意,我想要内勒,我想离开Buenos Aires,他爱他的城市,他恨他自己,他热爱着仇恨,我想救他,只有我可以救他,但得先离开这个地方......安吉尔手指上总是有一股味道,像是锯末,又像火药、血,或做爱的味道,这一切都让我想起在车站的厕所,想起工作,想起旅途,在便宜旅馆,脱衣服,在黑暗中。
You start imagining things: what you lost, what you left begind when you put your life on hold. A robbery, step by step, 1 and 1000 times, like a movie. The building of a house, brick by brick. A woman, every detail of the encounter: Words, movements, colours. You live in your head, that's what you become, a head, a skull. In jail I went queer, drug addict, gambler, peronist. I learned to fight to death, to play chess, to smash the face of anyone who looked at me the wrong way, to make little figures out of cigarette paper, to fuck standing up, to lose myself in a book and never come back. And I built houses in my mind, only to blow them up again.
——(no) With my twin brother, Angel, my only family. He's always after me. He says I look after him. Funny. He knows me, the bastard, as if he'd given birth to me. He knows what I want before I do. He knows what I'm going to do... Now... It's hard for me. He's not an easy guy. Suddenly... Now he's not well. If you talk to him, he won't answer. He hears voices. But he's not crazy. The voices talk normally. They guide him. Sometimes I think I'm one of the voices, inside him. I'm the asshole. I don't get him. What more could I want? I'd do anything for him. Anything. I'd get myself killed.