川流中的岛渚Islands in the Stream(1977)

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分类:剧情  地区:美国  年份:1977 

主演:乔治·C·斯科特 戴维·海明斯 吉尔伯特·罗兰 苏珊·泰瑞尔 理查德·埃文斯 克莱尔·布鲁姆 尤利乌斯•哈里斯 哈特·巴克纳 布拉德·萨维奇 Michael-James Wixted Hildy Brooks Jessica Rains Walter Friedel Charles Lampkin 

导演:富兰克林·沙夫纳 / 

1977英语 , 德语 , 西班牙语



米诺视频为您提供1977年由乔治·C·斯科特,戴维·海明斯,吉尔伯特·罗兰,苏珊·泰瑞尔,理查德·埃文斯,克莱尔·布鲁姆,尤利乌斯•哈里斯,哈特·巴克纳,布拉德·萨维奇,Michael-James Wixted,Hildy Brooks,Jessica Rains,Walter Friedel,Charles Lampkin主演,富兰克林·沙夫纳导演的《川流中的岛渚》/原名《Islands in the Stream》/又名《川流中的小岛 / 岛之恋 / 铁汉柔肠》剧情 电影在线观看完整版,《川流中的岛渚》百度云网盘资源以及《川流中的岛渚》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《川流中的岛渚》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:It's 1940 in the British-controlled Bahamas. While the war rages on in Europe, the islands are only peripherally affected by it, with Captain Ralph and his crew smuggling the occasional refugee escaping the war. Twice divorced American Thomas Mann, a man's type of man who works primarily as an industrial artist, has a small close knit group of friends including: Eddy, who, like Tom, drinks a little too much, and who gets into too many fights of his own making especially when he's had a few too many; Lil, a lady of the evening; and Joseph, who takes care of and captains his boat which is used for fishing among other exploits. Three chapters in this phase of Tom's life are told in chronological order. In "The Boys", Tom is expecting a visit from his three sons, who he has not seen in four years and who are going to spend the summer with him: nineteen year old Tommy from his first marriage to Audrey, and fourteen year old Davey and ten year old Andy from his second marriage to Joan. ...





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