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原名:烈火雄心又名:Burning Flame

分类:剧情 /  中国香港  1998 

简介: 阿佑(王喜 饰)从小要立志成为一名出色的消防员。成年后的他与好友阿兴(钱嘉乐 饰


烈火雄心影评:Burning Flame

Wong He, Louis Koo, Esther Kwan, Ching Ka Lok, Cheung Keng Kei, Lee Zhi Hung, Lee San San, Chun Pei
What, When & Where

The story is about the firemen in Hong Kong , I think this is the most touching series TVB ever produced. It got a great story line and number of good casts. Believe me, you will cry while watching this series, it is very emotional!

Yes, this is my favorite TVB drama so far and I have seen it many times, but this is a long story, I can't give a detail summary since I am not good at writing summaries at all!

To be brief, this story is about Hong Kong firemen, who are facing the most challenging work in the world as well as their personal problems.

You can check out the following websites

1. from "Kooworkshop"

2. a really good Burning Flame page
Hate Factor

Louis's bigger brother, I begin to hate him from the first moment I saw him. Plus, he raped Louis's girlfriend, which causes her death!

Lee Zhi Hung's character towards the end, I have to admit that I like him in the beginning, but later on, he becomes so jealous about his brother Wong He, and he did many mistakes.

Ah Ba's wife, she totally uses Ah Ba, and also caused his death.
Love Factor

The Nan Shan Three Tigers, Wong He, Ching Ka Lok and Cheung Keng Kei, whenever you see those three together, you just want to laugh so badly.

Wong He, he performs really well in this series, I love his character. His relationship with his best friends and Esther is really cute.

Louis is the other lover factor of the story; I love his story the most, because it is the saddest. His girlfriend-soon-to-be-wife (Ah Cui) was raped by his brother. Louis misunderstood Ah Cui and rejects to marry her, and that causes her death!
Pity Factor

Ah Cui of course, she stuck between the two brothers, and Louis's brother is such an evil guy. But, the real pity thing is that she loves Louis so much, but Louis did not believe her at all! You will feel mad about how Louis treated her when he misunderstood her. Before An Cui died, she calls Louis and tells him that she loves him so much that she will never betray him. She told Louis that she was raped and asks him to forgive her! So sad, I mean, she did not do anything wrong, she just want to be Louis's wife because she loves him so much. What a sad ending for such a wonderful girl like An Cui.

The other pity factor is Ah Ba, who is played by Cheung Keng Kei. He was a really cute guy and a good friend of Wong He. Well, his wife did not love him, she just uses him as a safe guard. When she is fine, she just left him. At the same time, Ah Ba's boss did illegal stuff and his best friends ignored him, so he decided to suicide. You might think he is stupid, which I think he is, too. But, it was really sad to see his downfall, because he was such a wonderful and funny character, but he chose to die!
How Come Factor

I find every little detail in this story believable, so don't ask me about the home come factor


Louis Koo, because he is a very tough guy, and very sad thing happened to him even he is the one to blame for. Oh, well, I think he acts really well in the story. You can also see the soft side of his character.

Wong He's character, as I explained above. You will like him from the first episode.

Ka Lok and his wife, they are so cute and so funny together. They did not love each other when they married, later on, as the marriage improves, they are in love with each other, very cute couple!

Louis and Ah Cui is my favorite couple even though they did not end up together due to the tragedy. But, you get to see how they work so hard to be together, that's why you will love this couple.

Ah Cui and Ah Ba's death as I explained above.

Ah He tries to save his bigger brother (last episode) His brother made many mistakes after he realized Wong He is in love with his girlfriend Esther, and his beloved mother is totally insane and lied to him for many years. Wong He did not give up on him, he tried to save him, his brother shot him in the arm, but he still saved his brother, very emotional scene.
Least Favorites

Lee San San, she did not act well in this series, I also did not like her and Louis as a couple. Dont ask me why

Louis's bigger brother

Lee Zhi Hung and Esther, those two just can not fit at all!

Dont have one!
Most Dramatic Scene

If I have to choose one, that will be Ah Cui's death. Also, the big fire accident episode. There is a fireman lost his life while saving someone else, very emotional scene!
Worth Watching?

This is a must see for every single one of you! You will totally feel the way the characters felt in the story.
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