
6.0 还行

原名:Lone Star又名:孤星 / 孤独的恒星 / Lone Star / 致命警徽

分类:剧情 / 爱情 / 悬疑 / 西部 /  美国  1996 

简介: 两位已卸任的陆军军官,在美国德州南方沙漠某地,意外发现一个警徽和一个骷髅。于是邻


小镇疑云影评:「外媒短评翻译 」 美墨边境上三代人的爱恨情仇

Rolling Stone 滚石杂志 100分

The performances are uncommonly fine...Lone Star isn't built to ride trends. It's built to last.

表演飞一般的好。。。Lone Star不是什么跟风影片,而重在永恒持久。

Chicago Sun-Times 芝加哥太阳报 100分

This film is a wonder - the best work yet by one of our most original and independent filmmakers - and after it is over, and you begin to think about it, its meanings begin to flower.


Empire 帝国杂志 100分

Even one-scene characters are unforgettable, but Sayles really gets under the skin of his struggling-to-be-heroic leads, Sam and Pilar. Long after this summer's crop of action flicks is gone, you'll watch this for the third or fourth time and see fresh material. Outstanding.

即使任何一个场景的角色都令人难忘,但Sayles(导演)真切地抓住了他想表达的主旨,struggling-to-be-heroic的主线, Sam和Pilar。许久之后,今年夏天上映的这些动作片儿会随风流逝无人再会问津。而你会把这部影片看个3,4遍,之后依然会发现新的内涵。杰作!

Entertainment Weekly 娱乐周报 83分

The biggest problem with Lone Star is that colorful Charley Wade isn't the center of the movie -- it's bland Sam Deeds. Cooper isn't a compelling enough movie star to carry us along some of the film's more languid twists and turns.

影片最大的问题在于,有趣的Charley Wade(坏警察)不是电影的中心,而是乏味的Sam Deeds。Cooper(主演)的名气不够引人注目,很难吸引我们一路跟上影片缓慢的曲折情节。

TV Guide 电视指南 80分

The film stumbles a bit towards the end (some deeply rooted conflicts are implausibly resolved), but terrific performances from a large cast -- particularly Elizabeth Pena as Sam's childhood sweetheart -- smooth over the rough spots.

电影有些磕磕绊绊地收尾了(一些根深蒂固的冲突不太可信地就化解了),但庞大的演员阵容贡献出的精彩表演(特别是饰演Sam童年心上人的 Elizabeth Pena)缓解了影片一些粗糙的部分。

San Francisco Examiner 旧金山考察家报 75分

While I was watching "Lone Star," I realized that what makes Sayles a good and socially responsible person - his ability to look at one thing a hundred different ways - is exactly what makes him a muddy filmmaker.

当我看着 "Lone Star" 时,我意识到了到底是什么东西让Sayles成为一个非常好而且有社会责任感的人——他具备用百种方式看待同一事物的能力,而这恰好也使他成为了一位有些模糊的电影制作人。

Salon.com 沙龙网 30分

Sayles speaks the language of cinematic formula so automatically -- his reunited lovers slow dance to a jukebox in a dark, deserted cafe and wait unannounced outside each other's workplaces when they want to talk -- that he's forgotten that real people don't do this stuff.

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