重任在肩 第六季

0.0 很差

原名:Line of Duty又名:反腐先锋 第六季

分类:剧情 / 悬疑 / 惊悚 / 犯罪 /  英国  2021 

简介: 在得到线报前往逮捕一起谋杀案的重大嫌疑人的路上,总督察Joanne Davids


重任在肩 第六季影评:AC-12(BBC)

“I know you took that bribe.Lindsay.”

“But you didn't do it for the money,did you?”

“You took it Because you wanted to find a young girl…who was being groomed By Hunter and his cronies.”

“How did you know that?”

“50 Grand the first time,100 Grand this time?”


“Face facts,Lindsay…Your old life…No.That's a pipe dream.”

“It's gone.Yeah.It's sad.The only way you can Get a Fresh start…well.Do I have to spell It out?”

“100 grand,and you forget about all of this.That list included.All you have to do is forget about everything.”

“All Of this.”

“Look.Just take the money,you mad Bitch,and stay out of it.”

“What are you doing?Why don't you just take the money?”

“Because I'm a police Officer.”


“DI Cottan,we are two feet apart in a confined space…”

Lindsay 拿起手机,Dot掏出格洛克手枪指着她

“Don't do that.”

“Frankly,for you…This is forensic ground-zero.”

“You had four,five People killed.And me framed.I expect you had Danny Waldron killed,too.Other People do your dirty work for you.And never a single speck of blood on your hands.”

“You want to Shoot me?You go ahead.If it sends you to prison,That's my job done.”


“Do not send that message.”

“You're just a go-between.You're a weasel.Now.you put that gun away,you take me to AC-12,Let's see What they all think when I bring you in.”

“When I bring The Caddy…”




“Before Danny died,he tried to say something…Now I reckon what he said was list.”

“I've got a firearm in here,No One enter.”

“Investigating former chief Superintendent Patrick Fairbank In respect of not adequately investigating complaints of child sexual exploitation.”

“The things that he did to us at sands view…”

“Joe.It's Okay.”

“Ma'am.I requesting authorisation on an Undercover operation.It'd be against a fellow AC-12 Officer.”

“DI Cottan set me up,as far as the rope goes,he must have planted it there beforehand.”

“What happened with the PM?Weren't you suppose to organise it?”

“He knew forensics hadn't bothered testing the envelope?”

“I don't want to get caught between you and DI Cottan.”

“The Caddy is male,under 35.A detective.A London or southeast accent.”

“I'm Sorry,gaffer,but the finger's pointing at one of our own.”

“I've a number of concerns regarding DS Arnott's professional conduct.He's been bearing a firearm around the Office.”

“I've signed the firearm back in.”

“I'm innocent.The question is…Are you?”

“He's been accused of an improper relationship with a suspect,of planting evidence against Said suspect.”

“I did not plant evidence.”

“We agree the best course of action is for you to be to be suspended from duty until these matters can be addressed.”

“SIM card?”

“It's all in there.”

“The incriminating item I've got on you,thats my only insurance.”

“I need to know you've got my back.”

“He's hiding summat.The lead on Steve,It looks like it's gonna pan out.He really did plant that money at Lindsay's.”

“There's no list here,Steve.”

“There's not,then Lindsay's gonna get what's coming.”

“I thought it was Steve's car,till I saw the registration.”

“I found Danny Waldron's list.It didn't make sense for Danny to make a hard copy of Original list,that could be Lost or destroyed.He'd make an on Line copy.The VIPs who were abusing boys at Sands View.”

“100 grand,and you forget about All Of this.That list included. ”

“Why don't you Just take the money?”

“Because I'm a police Officer.”

“Let's see what they all think when I bring in the caddy. ”



上个月,有多部多季数剧集季终或者大结局,包括CANAL+台法语罪案剧《齿轮》,加拿大(CTV)/美国🇺🇸(CBS)合拍剧《Flashpoint》,以及美🇺🇸剧《Southland》,《Line Of Duty》也迎来了第六季。

《齿轮》是一部通过检察官、预审法官、律师、警察来展现法国🇫🇷社会15年间的社会矛盾冲突的罪案剧,《Flashpoint》则是加拿大多伦多警方的一支特殊警察武装力量独立侦查破案的单元罪案剧,《Southland》则是美国🇺🇸洛杉矶警察的故事,而英🇬🇧剧《Line Of Duty》的视角比较独特,是讲调查警方内部腐败的罪案故事。我看了那么多剧,很少看到有搞内部调查的摆上台面当主题的(美🇺🇸剧和法🇫🇷剧我一直想找部类似题材的,奈何就是搜索不到)。



这套剧除了第三季Dot的戏份让我印象深刻外,再之后就只有John了,因为他成功渗透进了犯罪集团,虽然有犯罪集团的幕后推进(Gill),但不得不说他也是冒风险最大的一个警察,而此前的AC-12调查的Bent cop基本上都是犯罪集团的牺牲品,没有一个碰到犯罪集团核心的。所以第五季也是BUG最多的一季,但是胜在角色塑造立起来了。

“Let's work Together.John.We want the same thing.”

“I believe you.Mate. I honestly do.But only One of us is prepared to go the distance on this job.”

“You've got Blind loyalty which stops you seeing what's plain as day…The person this trail leads to.”

“1-0.4-5.Apprehend the subject at once.”

“Sir. Is it not worth letting this play out another 24 hours?”

“Look,Kate.We do not trust Corbett one inch.He's already battered a defenceless woman In her onw home.For Christ's sake,Kate,what are you waiting for?”


“TFC.4-5.Arrest the subject.”

“DS Arnott,you are in receipt of a lawful order from a commanding Officer,at you will carry it out at once.”

“John,I need you to accompany me to AC-12.”

“You need to back off and let me finish this job.”

“DS John Corbett,you're under arrest.”

“Snipers,maintain cover.6-4,prepare to move forward.”

“Yeah,sure I am.”


“7-5,Target blocked,no visual on subject.”

“4-5.1-0.Active message.Critical Shot blocked.”

“Put the gun down.”

“1-0 to 4-5.The order is Fahrenheit.”

“Well…If you shoot me,And the truth never comes out.”

“Sir,we'll lose all of Corbett's intel. ”

“Lethal Force is authorised when there's an immediate threat to life.We know that Corbett is a cold blooded Killer.”

“Give yourself up.Mate.”

“The order is Fahrenheit.”

“Give yourself up.”

“Repeat.The order is Fahrenheit.”

“What kind of copper are you?One who cares about orders,or who cares about justice? ”


“You wearing a wire?”


“Take it out,and I'll tell you the where and when for this meeting.”





顺带一提,今年还剩下4个月,我一直在搜索类似英🇬🇧剧《Line Of Duty》和法🇫🇷剧《传奇办公室》这种讲故事框架的美🇺🇸剧,罪案剧,如果有人知道可以在下方告知我,如果没有,那今年对于多季数美🇺🇸剧的安排上,可能会抽调兵力去看《绝命毒师》和《火线》了,这两套剧拖了太久一直没入坑,新剧和新电影又一直不断拥上来,对于审核多季数剧集我是越来越小心也越来越严格,因为追剧不像看电影,电影有时长限制,即使看了一部烂片也不会耽误你多长时间,但是剧集不一样,尤其还是多季数剧集。

最后放几张S3E6Kate提着G36C自动步枪(变成Armed Police)去抓捕Dot的图片作为致敬


All clear,c'est bon,maintenant,撤回法国🇫🇷本土。


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