波士顿法律 第一季

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原名:Boston Legal又名:律师风云 第一季

分类:剧情 / 喜剧 / 悬疑 / 犯罪 /  美国  2004 

简介: 故事发生在波士顿一家大型律师事务所。阿伦·索尔(詹姆斯·斯派德 James Sp


波士顿法律 第一季影评:《波士顿法律》笔记103 Catch and Release




Boston Legal里就充满了许多这样有意思的结局。当然,这个closing是Allen教给她的,在她毫无头绪和把握的时候。Pull the rabbit out of your hat..“从帽子里掏出只兔子来”,英文寓意另辟蹊径,出其不意,无中生有。在毫无希望的情况下,对陪审团讲故事,不管什么故事,有趣就好,只要逗乐陪审团,等到够火候的时候,就把故事和案子联系起来,不管多牵强多可笑,然后请求陪审团放人,for god knows what reason, 他们往往真会照办。A good story may be your rabbit(机会)。所幸这一招她用得真好,若是给我,我不晓得怎么用。

Sally 是新人,这是她接的第一个案子。在庭上她紧张,生硬,犹豫,并且,一点也不强硬自信,该反对的时候不知道如何反应,回击,对接下来怎样打也毫无头绪。让我想起Tara 的第一场官司也是这样(The Practice. S8E10),有点赶鸭子上架般被动,漏洞百出。她甚至在证人作证时忍不住笑场,之后又无比抱歉。最后她们仍然打赢了官司,很专业。谁都有第一次,从新手做起,都有站上一个新舞台的怯场慌张,缺乏信心经验。有没有人给你机会,有没有人教你技巧,自己又是否能战胜恐惧?职业女性的tough和aggressive原来都是这么修炼来的,有时候,你不容自己感情作祟。一个“炼”字,万般精彩风光,背后冷暖自知。But I still don’t know if I have conquered the fear in my heart after years.

Allen的那个案子是关于职场中的性骚扰,美国人很较真,离职后那么久,还要为此对簿公堂,要个清清白白。Sexual harassment,现在很普遍了,好像也都有专为保护女性的法规,不过在我们这儿为此大动干戈的例子甚少。身边有不少女朋友也有此遭遇,不胜其烦顶多咬牙切齿却敢怒不敢言,若是真的闹去打官司,我不知道会是怎样的结果?一个法律的灰色地带,不好介定。

这里Allen看似赢了,赔偿却比预计差好远,他的对手并不很强大,是个精神自控有问题的前女友。他心软,不肯针对她的弱点击败她,留有余地,反被她占了上风。最后她充满挑衅地扬眉一笑。谁能把委托人的利益放在高于其它,谁不留情,谁理智专业,谁就赢了。很可惜,Allen天性对女人和弱势人怜香惜玉,“Out of compulsive curiosity, I always befriend my most colorful ex-girlfriends.”总不肯雪上加霜落井下石,输给她,倒觉得自己做了件善事。但不可否认,她的结案陈词咄咄逼人,很有水准。

Allen: - Some people simply cannot let go. You love a person so desperately, you perhaps, lose sight of reason, and you begin to act unreasonably, perhaps out of control, even. It's possible Daniel Ralston have no control over his behavior. Maybe he truly couldn't stop pursuing Wendy Moore. Maybe he had to keep calling, had to schedule those lunches, had to seemingly stalk her, if you will. He was in love with her. People in love lose their grip. But what's at issue here is her state of mind, her mental state. Not Mr. Ralston's state of mind, but Wendy's. Was she reasonably upset by this relentless pursuit? She's a married woman with a family trying to salvage her marriage, and her boss keeps calling, keeps coming, and keeps propositioning her. The fact that she once loved this man only makes it worse, more difficult. What choice did she really have but to leave? Maybe that was his plan all the time. He knew he couldn't fire her. Maybe that was his psychological game, where the only thing that she could really do in the end was get in her car and drive off. He created a hostile working environment with repeated, unwelcomed sexual advances, ladies and gentlemen. That is prima facie classic sexual harassment. 这就是最典型的,证据确凿的性骚扰。

Council: -Love happens in the workplace all the time. In fact, it's where most affairs start, most relationships. It happens. So do breakups. As a woman, I am offended by the onslaught of these lawsuits. As neutral as the language may be, sexual harassment law is gender biased it exists to protect women. It feeds into the perception that women are weaker than. It goes all the way back to common law, where women were denied the right to enter into contracts because we lacked mental capacity. Today's harassment law is designed to protect us from sexual banter in the workplace because we just can't take it. I can take it. Can you? Can you? Do we really need to cleanse the workplace of all sexual expression, so it'll be safe for us? These laws treat us as if we were either psychologically or emotionally impaired, and I'm sick of it. Are some cases legitimate? Absolutely. But here, this woman is a grownup. She entered into an adult, consensual relationship with her boss. It ended, perhaps bumpy. He's hurt, he's still in love, so she sues. She wasn't fired. She's a college-educated vice-president of a brokerage firm. She's 34 years old. She's a professional. She's here today to tell you that she can't stick up for herself. She is here today trying to take advantage of a law, that declares women to be the weaker sex. Not for me, ladies and gentlemen. I wouldn't have gotten in my car and driven off. I'd have sooner driven over him. Let's treat these people, both of them... as if they were grownups.


Besides,Denny的案子不值一提,出场了他的儿子,just not in blood。值得一提的是,Denny是一个除了有趣并且伟峨的男人,温柔智慧强大。这样的老人,我不曾见过。原谅我词穷。

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