牧野村 千年物语1000年刻みの日時計 牧野村物語(1987)

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分类:剧情 纪录片  地区:日本  年份:1987 

主演:土方巽 宫下顺子 田村高广 河原崎长一郎 石桥莲司 岛田正吾 Mahmoud Abdel Aziz 

导演:小川绅介 / 




米诺视频为您提供1987年由土方巽,宫下顺子,田村高广,河原崎长一郎,石桥莲司,岛田正吾,Mahmoud Abdel Aziz主演,小川绅介导演的《牧野村 千年物语》/原名《1000年刻みの日時計 牧野村物語》/又名《1000年刻さみの日時計 / 1000年刻纹的日晷·牧野村物语》剧情 纪录片 电影在线观看完整版,《牧野村 千年物语》百度云网盘资源以及《牧野村 千年物语》高清蓝光mp4迅雷下载,《牧野村 千年物语》BT下载资源,希望您能喜欢!


Plot Summary:The movie compiles footage taken by Ogawa Production for a period of more than ten years after the collective moved to Magino village. Unique to this film are fictional reenactments of the history of the village in the sections titled \"The Tale of Horikiri Goddess\" and \"The Origins of Itsutsudomoe Shrine\". Ogawa combines all the techniques that were developed in his previous films to simultaneously express multiple layers of time--the temporally of rice growing and of human life, personal life histories, the history of the village, the time of the Gods, and new time created through theatrical reenactment--bring them into a unified whole. The faces of the Magino villagers appear in numerous roles--sometimes as individuals, sometimes as people who carry the history of the village in their memories, sometimes as storytellers reciting myths, and even as members of the crowd in the fictional sequences--transcending time and space.

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牧野村 千年物语
钱钱钱隆 • 求 牧野村千年物语 影像资料

我也想看这个片子,只看到书籍,谁有 牧野村千年物语 的DVD 可以豆油我,我可以付费购买

牧野村 千年物语
gawe • 没有花蕾的花


牧野村 千年物语
猪头小队长 • 有小川绅介的下午

话说 所以 等待春天 上野昂志说,他犹记得四十年前第一次看小川的电影《压




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