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原名:Stromboli又名:荒岛怨侣 / 斯特隆波里岛

分类:剧情 /  意大利   1950 

简介: 卡琳战争结束时住在意大利的一个难民营里,她没有钱离开那儿去别处谋生,在难民营她遇


火山边缘之恋影评:Stromboli Notes

Stromboli (Land of God)

Independent: experience of emigrating to one country and another, and the comment “he’s just a boy” after the soldier Antonio told Karin that he would marry her. Different social class within different social times: WWII.

11:07 Pan of the harbor and straight-on angle

More shots on the woman, often positioned in the center of the screen, which is different from the cinematography in Gaslight.

22:30 extreme long shot with pan that amplifies the ambience of the “ghost island” and how much the woman wanted to leave this place to somewhere far far away, whereas the man thought she was his wife so she was supposed to be with him (we didn’t see how Karin responded with the camera pulling back to a long shot, but we can guess she’s certainly not happy and might be bemoaning about this place)

24:52 “I’m different from you. I belong to another class.” Karin associated money with nobility and class, showing a miniature of a neoclassical type of materialistic society

28:25 the camera moved with Karin, who was running and basically hitting every direction of the “maze” symbolized by the island, but she couldn’t get out even though she deadly wanted. The toddler’s crying is also a reflection of Karin’s inner self, who’s feeling painful and helpless in this new setting.

35:10 “My home is filled with old men who talked all about America” Karin was a bit pissed by their talking about America, but she was indifferent, as she looked, when she heard one man saying he was gonna go to America in 10 years and asked him “how old are you” and got an answer “73.”

37 handheld camera

42:39 Antonio went fishing and excitedly brought the fish back, telling Karin “we’re rich.” After drinking two shots of red wine, Karin decided to get back on her life. She set up new curtains, painted a wall of flowers, and invited the locals (all women) to her house, who despised her as the one without modesty

Friendship between Karin and the Father developed ever since she started complaining Antonio as a boy

52:44 first time hugging Antonio because he said he’d work more for her. But Antonio didn’t like the new home settings including the tree in the house, the pictures, because he had the nostalgia towards the “awful furniture, holy pictures, etc.” according to Karin. Karin just wanted to leave and “didn’t want to waste [her] youth” in Stromboli, which was a robust idea compared to the timid mindset of Paula in Gaslight

56 The wine appeared in the film for the second time and every time she consumed it, she faced a moment of change

1:03 the man who previously got malaria and Karin flirted in the water. They were spotted by the women on the island who disliked Karin in the first place, and the extreme long shot with a high angle told it all. The “god-like” view.

1:05 Antonio beat Karin but Karin didn’t say a word. He crashed a vase and changed the pictures back to those of his family or the holy ones.

1:14, 1:16 Karin was soaked when the tuna schools jumped out of the water into the fishermen’s boat. “Let’s go.” “How do you like fishing?” “It’s horrible.” Karin later told Antonio that she was pregnant, and though she said she was happy, she looked worried

Was the volcano eruption in the film real?

1:26:58 Karin slapped Antonio in the face as she was determined to leave for elsewhere and give birth to the child

1:28:20 Antonio nailed the door from the outside to stop Karin escaping

1:30:20 they hooked up in the cave and Karin told the lighthouse man about her intention to leave, and the help she needed

1:37:30 Enough. Enough. I’m finished. I don’t have the courage. I’m afraid. I’m afraid.

(after waking up) What mystery. What beauty.

My innocent child. God, god, please help me. Please give me the strength, the understanding, and the courage.

1:40 the pan of the birds flying across the sky symbolize freedom and escape for Karin, but honestly we don’t know whether she successfully made to the other side of the island or not

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