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原名:Die Artisten in der Zirkuskuppel: Ratlos又名:Artists Under the Big Top: Perplexed / The Artist in the Circus Dome: Clueless

分类:剧情 /  西德  1968 

简介: 老艺人曼弗雷德·派克特为了改变马戏团的处境建议经理加一个大象表演的节目,可他自己



1:00- 2:50 纳粹阅兵
2:50-3:40 DAY OF GERMAN ART 1939 + 歌剧

1 mourning plan 1
望火车窗外的镜头,女生独白 i gave joy to many, yound and old 角色塑造第一人称
2 mourning plan 2
一个男人的彩色肖像特写镜头,男生第三人称陈述 xx is an circus artist
[ would the roof hold up? it can be something new. new? i think it is irrational. something has to burtst. but it is too irrational. but the effect would be great. ]
[the capacity for endless effort / if we ve been made slaves, it would be unwise to give us weapons.]笑的特写,钢琴曲止,男人的采访式说话
7:30 旁白介绍一个工人在这工作14年 he died in an accident
10:10 男人采访式陈述
11:20 男人讲述曾经误杀队友
13:30 关于飞机历史照片
13:50 夜晚马场+钢琴曲
14:13 女人肩以上特写旁白第三人称介绍,她在路边一个人卸车轮旁人围观的无声影像,钢琴曲延续
16:00 钢索表演的镜头,旁白第三人称介绍the trapeze artist, [whose 5th husband shot the 4th]

17:34 一群大象冲澡的影像,原声
18:08 黑暗中的无声默片
18:49 一群大象吃草+老音乐,女旁白
[ 'freedom,' said one of the elephants, 'is risking one's life. Not because it's freedom from slavery. but because human freedom is defined by its negative relation to others.'
19:11 音乐持续——历史照片,关于战争——无声
女旁白 ['but a wounded body poisons the mind']
19:29 回到马戏团人压抑动物的影响,老音乐重现,女生旁白重复,the elephants swear, we forget everything. the end of hitler-state. 唱歌和旁白叙述重叠,造成声音雕塑+老音乐
21:20 女人穿泳衣在水桶边洗澡,坐在篷车外的座椅上休息,女生旁白she want her own circus
21:30-23:00 女人rehearsal的影像,audio似乎是她自己在内心对自己rehearsal的指导
23:38 马戏团表演和女人看表演、女人在城里开车的镜头
Leni says,'I will change the circus, because I love it.'
answer: 'she loves it, so she won't change it. why? because love is conservative. '

24:47其中一个女人的特写,女生旁白介绍anna, of the russian ministry of culture
[ i am fascinated by your culture... what side are you on? ... but i want to work on my culture / there is in no way your culture my culture / there are many ]
[ i am alway the same person in different language ]
[if you could lend me a few, for a time, just temporaily]
26:23 narrative transition 窗外,女人走过大街
26:27 化妆,女旁白 [ she is prepared to compromise]
26:31 film studio
27:50 女人在现场等候 how long will this take? we rushed here today 包里翻东西
29:11 面试 [ we can use anyone who is willing, but you have to be open minded - what is it exactly, what is new about it? - we have an extra attraction - saying what? - peace - peace in general? - yes. what we need is something of a great fun... their need for entertainment.. that is what i can offer]
女人做了一个短表演,portrait zoom in jump cut
30:39 然后她去了电影院-讲俄国革命 31:17-38 唱机音乐+裸体片
31:41 xxx talks about 'the situation of the artist today' ---- photo archive+解说
[they could fight inhumanity if all the artists in the world raised(画面切弹钢琴) their standards simultaneously]
32:00 -33:06 战斗机/诗句/湖波+教堂管风琴乐
33:09 女钢琴家谈拉赫曼尼诺夫/接受采访的侧面/上台鞠躬 33:37 [ facing this inhuman situation, the artist's only recourse is to raise his standards still higher. ] 下台
33:44-50 circus whole view 沉默的6秒,响起钢琴,大雨落在circus碰上
34:28 女人看一博士男[ we grow in our cages too, but we don't grow in square too ]
37:00 男人自述 our education was all illusion, ilusion and hope. and how disappointed we were! and where are we now? just employees in the economy. we just have small tasks without any responsibility. you don't know how hard(男人猛转身,切女人脸)it is to work, without being able to determine what you want. for what? nobody knows. why indeed? yet in the past, we thought, we could change things, make things better, make life more human. stop it all.
37:49 女人驾车

39:10 回归主叙事,剧场宣传
41:14 她和各个宾客交谈 ammonia and methane could produce living matter like protein cells ...
42:14 [[happiness is in danger, is gone]]thriving circus photo archive
43:00 女人穿白领装,数钱、冲钱
44:18 车驶过公园,旁白[she want to make even more efforts]
45:15 大约45秒,女人独自夜行,遇性骚扰行为,无声,小提琴曲,来自相机方位的单光源,情绪剪辑
45:22 太空绘画,disinclination grows out of proportion
45:56 女旁白念完诗,男人the story is exaggerated just to emphasize the point

46:00 回归主叙事,主题曲,剧场演出
47:15 女人请一男剧院工作者吃饭 she admire him excessively
48:43 男博士上了一辆车
49:00 两人在浴室看电视,配乐歌剧,男博士泡在浴缸
50:00 远景,女人上自己的车
[a 500 km drive every weekend, just for a sunday with him ]
50:40 女人拉近桌子,倒啤酒,摔杯子,擦桌子,直接用酒瓶喝
[ she realized that she can not unite art and free enterprise. Only as a capitalist can one change things. ]
51:41 无声 she buys an elephant 52:23 - 53:00
53:15 剧场外结算雇佣金,她抽烟 she hired a deputy
54:19 她收拾屋子
54:30-55:07 两人来回走,找地方坐下聊天,[he hears too late that she is a millionaires, she forbids him to ask her for a loan. ]
55:48 随笔一个推动主叙述的对话都有普遍真理的观察
[[the world is full of people who make promises they can't keep ]]
give me 6 months grace - six months is a lifetime, one can die in six months. its a long eternity.
56:11 她向银行贷款遭拒绝 there must be a way, mr wiese! - there might be many ways, but i can't name any right now.

57:28 和男博士争执 [go to a circus is inconvenient. watch a circus on television is easy although not real ] [that's impausible, because a circus elephant is viewed differently... what counts for ideas, products, objects, people, animals, is their social background]

59:22 夜景,钢琴
59:59 女人portrait独白,第一个现代马戏团在巴黎,time: the french revolution,
1:02:37 当陷入理想的运璇,马上就是破产转折
喝酒 音乐换 男人情绪化转换
1:05:36 和男博士争执2,男人批判她的行为
[[love ? your love for circus can not earn you any money. your love is misconception, it's not intersubjective. Others won't love it just because you do. That's why i propose a combined motivation-image survey to find out what others love.]]
1:06:08 男博士裸体进浴缸,躺在一堆书面前的荒诞讽刺

1:06:58 Gitti's father led a socialist scientific institute in Frankfurt. 主叙事另向推进 He transferred its capital to the USA in 1932: (配乐国际歌) many opportunities for entrepreneurs, none for socialists.
[ no chance to recovery ]
[ no chance to recovery ]
[ no chance to recovery ]

1:08:11 女人面试新艺人/让媒体宣传
1:10:27 isn't it a risk of .... i know the practical side, the theory is the problem
1:22:50 一个男员工找她询问关于情人的问题 i could condemn her or behave improperly, but i think i gave her much more like that i don't mind being Roy Black for her. 喝啤酒的嘴部侧面特写
1:23:06 at the same time there was a congress... 个人事件转移到社会群体事件
1:26:13 各种二人处的画面
[[she thinks he is right. freedom means that the spectator thinks entertainment is that what we offer him. but it need not actually be entertainment. the staff are desperate. they think this is nonsense.]]
[ to put it more conceretly: you are like a child, blowing soap bubbles, never stopping, because you hope that you will blow one bubble more colourful than the last. You thereby forget that you're just blowing bubbles... - because one wants a bubble that really exists? - they don't actually exist at all.
[ to put it abstractly, you don't want utopia just flying round in your mind, you want to see utopia realized in a concrete way. ] - 1:28:01

a new start
1:35:42 彩色image: korti allows his soul to wander among beautiful things. he sometimes has little visual adventures.
1:37:28 女人裸在沙发上缝内衣
[[great step makes one ridiculous, but with small steps i could make it to a certain level]]

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