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原名:警察故事又名:Police Story / Police Force

分类:喜剧 / 动作 / 惊悚 / 犯罪 /  中国香港  1985 

简介: 受过特警训练的警察陈家驹(成龙)为人正直办案拼命,时常将女友(张曼玉)忽略。某次


警察故事影评:the Meaning of the Law

The most crucial way to take revenge on someone is not killing, but destroying mentally. A man lives in his integrity and reputation. Without these, a man may lose his value of live, easpecially as a policeman.

In this movie, the biggest villlain Zhutao masterminds a trap to frame Jacky by using Jacky's gun to kill another police, which is a great shame for Jacky, because at the start of the movie, he is honored as the representative of the Hong Kong police.

In this case, even his bosses have to arrest him according to the law. Out of depression, he gets out of the police station by holding his boss hostage and then keeps waiting near the company of Zhutao until he finds out Zhutao shows up. I think if Selina didn't happen to steal the confidential proof of Zhutao's crime, Jacky would possibly kill Zhutao without mercy, even if he will be under arrest and put into prison for decades. That's why his girlfriend is afraid while waiting with Jacky. At this moment, Jacky just want to take revenge. If no one stand up for his justice, he will do it by himself, in his own way.

Luckily, Selina shows up with the proof and Jacky got reasonable reason to beat those villains. He is good at fighting, but what actually enables him to beat dozens of villains is his desire for justice. That's why he stands up again and again even if he is knocked down many times. If he were a normal police without powerful will, he must have given up since he was in the police station.

Finally, Jacky beat those villains and gets the proof. But the movie doesn't end with such a superficial and boring scene. Zhutao and his lawyer provoke him into beating them, so that they can put Jacky into prison. Out of anger, Jacky beat them hardly regardless of law, because if the law only protects the rich, he wants to punish the rich by himself. But this time, all the police turn a blind eye to this.

It's not only an action movie, but also a realistic movie which discusses the meaning of the law. Is it for all people, or only for the poor? If for all people, why can the rich keep circumventing the law with their money? Hope there's no need for all the police like Jacky to stand up for himself by himself.

I will watch the second of this series to find out more about justice.


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