良医 第二季

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原名:The Good Doctor又名:好医生 / 仁医 / 良医心

分类:剧情 /  美国  2018 

简介: 改编自朴才范执笔之同名韩国电视剧,由大卫·萧尔开发,在ABC播出的美国医学电视剧


良医 第二季影评:一些想法

In s2e15, Minesh Goyal chose to remove the tumor by taking risks, regardless of having 95% possibility for "just fine". His reason for making this decision was very interesting for me. I can't remember clearly, but it was something like "you have to pay the price for certainty". Yes, the future is composed by uncertainties, you have to embrace the things which already happened. Just like Lana's words, "things happened, life goes on". If the uncertainty were an unacceptable choice for you, you should be ready to sacrifice something and turn it into the certainty.

Also about Minesh Goyal, his philosophy of decision making and risks management is very similar to what I hold. When you are struggling on something scaring but you have to face up to, just believe in science. Make sure what you are going to do is the optimized choice, then just feel safe to go ahead without any concern.

The last lesson was learned from Dr. Aaron Glassman, who was dying in s2. This reminded me to rethink about death. Glassman did care about Murphy, and there was a spirit, like a kind of hope of living, passing to Murphy from him. That's the reason why we don't need to be afraid of death, someone still live will inherit our souls, our spirit, and bring them to the next generation. We died, but someone live for us. That's the meaning.

Some of my previous ideas about this topic: Robert Trump died in NY last year, when his brother was still the US president. Time is the fairest judge. No matter you were rich or poor, you would die once God is ready to take you away. This remind us to keep our eyes on our own lives, make sure you are in the right track for yourselves without regret.

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良医 第二季
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