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原名:All About Eve又名:关于伊芙的一切

分类:剧情 /  美国  1950 

简介: 今年的萨拉·西登斯奖得主是年轻的伊芙·哈灵顿(安妮·巴克斯特 饰)。然而在去年十


彗星美人影评:Bette Davis’ Performance

Bette Davis expresses her “Battling Bette” persona completely in All About Eve, the greatest role she played as she claimed.
Davis is for sure a star actor. Applying star turn performance, she is not playing anyone else, but just acting herself in the movies. In real life, Bette Davis is an independent and ambitious woman. Her determination towards stardom, or the identity as the first female president in AMPAS, all made her the leading actress in the “women’s films” era. As professor Casper said in the lecture, “the persona of a popular player represents the culture.” The characters she played as well as herself are the goal chased by American women who feel there is a responsibility to take charge when their husbands are abroad on the battlefield during the World War II period.
Apart from personality, Davis’ physicality is unique and natural. Her iconic smoker’s voice differentiates her from traditional actresses – she sounds strong. Davis has a pair of unforgettable eyes, and she can simply use her eyes to convey feelings. For example, in the opening close-up of Margo Channing, there is no dialogue at all, but her eye movement indicates her attitude towards Eve Harrington. Her red lips and sharp eyebrows often express her indifference or contempt to people around her. Casper with Edwards specifically mentioned her gestures in All About Eve. Quickly running down the stairs but stopped before Bill and Eve can see her, moving the lid of the candy dish twice, these postures complement the character and display Margo’s suppression of her improper actions as a first-lady-of-the-theatre. This is the difference between Margo Channing and former characters Davis acted in that there is more traditional femininity value added to Margo. Besides performing a theater star, someone successful in career, Davis also need to express Margo’s worry of getting old and unconfidence towards a younger boyfriend and a young version of her.


zjmr • 绿茶婊
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