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原名:Apartment Zero又名:零号凶宅

分类:剧情 / 惊悚 /  英国  1988 

简介: 故事发生在布宜诺斯艾利斯,影片围绕着两个神秘兮兮的邻居之间的关系进行。艾德里安(


零号公寓影评:Apartment Zero

Well, today I was too bored to do anything and thought a thriller might excite me a little, :) so "Apartment Zero" was finally on.

The plot wasn't totally new to me as I'd read some before, which was good because I wouldn't be too scared after knowing what the thrilling thing is. Though I'm ashamed to admit I still almost dropped my plate when Jack (Hart Bochner) called Adrian (Colin) in dark after the nightmare cryout, it's much better than what I usually do, in which case the plate would definitely be gone, LOL. The movie is still gripping, and touching, strange eh? I had a feeling for Jack when he showed Adrian his vulnerability albeit knowing he was the cold-blood murderer. The two loners (well Jack may not look like one but he was lonely internally I believe) longed for each other for emotional comfort, and finally developed a bond that tied them together "forever". Warning: I was still disturbed, not horrified thank god, by the photos of murder scenes, so anyone as fragile as me watches out!

In "Apartment Zero", Colin already showed some early signs of the later heartthrob Mr Darcy. The taciturnity, nervousness and solitude gave us the hint, and the sweet grin with cute nose exhaling that we often see on Mark Darcy. Colin's voice was low here, just slightly higher than what he had in the "a thousand acres". I wonder if he will have deep voice anytime without british accent. In the plot, Adrian was an Argentinian who'd lived in Britain for 16 (or 6? can't remember) years, so he somewhat faked a british accent to distant his neighbours. You have to admire Colin's talent 'cause he make his own accent sound unreal in addition to his subtle acting. What a performance! Same comment goes to Bochner as he did a wonderful job too. This kind of subtlety is rarely seen in today's mass hollywoodish productions. I enjoy it very much.
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