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分类:剧情 /  哥伦比亚   2021 

简介: 杰西卡·霍兰德(蒂尔达·斯文顿 Tilda Swinton 饰)是旅居哥伦比亚的



记录7月12日晚与阿彼察邦·韦拉斯哈古Apichatpong Weerasethakul导演的连线,活动由百老汇电影中心和MOViE MOViE策划,持续约45分钟。如果有错漏,请豆友们提示我修改,感谢!




[Q1 from Beijing]

…We all know that previously you were doing most of your films in Thailand, this time you choose Columbia. …We also notice that in this film, you discuss a relationship between memory and sound, and you choose sound as the vehicle. We are curious when you were choosing Columbia as a place to shoot the film, did you take the humidity into consideration, or did you think that maybe it has something to do with, or maybe it’s impacting your way of delivering the sound effect in a special way?


I think honestly, it can be many countries, but for Memoria, it’s really suitable for Columbia, in terms of the shared memory of people between (Columbia and Thailand), people are still struggling within. I think that’s very unique, if I make film in another country, I will still be happy, but it will be another film, it’s not Memoria. So that’s why I focus on audio and memory. Because it allowed you to listen. It allowed you to really be synchronized and interpret in different ways. It allowed you to be quieter than just looking at the picture, that’s what I mean. So, you are very focused. I think at that point when I was making this film, I need this kind of focus.






[Q2 from Shanghai and Hangzhou]

In Memoria, we see that you present a lot of violence … from Columbia streets. Watching this film constantly reminded us of the book by Eduardo Galeano, it’s called Open Veins of Latin America (Las venas abiertas de america latina), it describes the politics and the violence that lasts for centuries in Latin America. We also know that in your previous films, there were elements or reincarnation, past life, hallucination, reality, dreams, emotions, and so on. In this film, we still can feel your touch, however, it looks more critical and realistic, as it has the actual history to refer to. So, it feels like you are pivoting a little bit towards the realism in this film, is that your conscious choice, or is that your advantage as a foreigner that has an observing perspective towards the country?

The second question is in order to tune in the shared memory, what kind of preparations you have done? Were you inspired by surrealism authors, or by the actual person you talked with in Columbia?


Thank you very much. In fact, I’ve never read that book. I actually see the film more as a dream, it’s not much of an ultra-realism, it’s more about a personal journey. And I try not to present actual violence or trauma in the film, but more hidden. And it’s really open, the film can just be something about this woman, who kind of being checked out of her everyday life, from her own problems, whether she lost someone or went through a heartbreak, which we all feel. Or the film can be seen as political with the anticipation of violence, but the violence never happened. That means, I feel that the film is really like a platform, where you are allowed to interpret, to dream in your own way. So that’s the more conscious choice.

It also links to the second question, it’s about me being in Columbia, just sat there and listened to many many stories, kind of incorporating into my own past memories in Thailand, and my melancholy maybe. So, I think the film is a mixture of this personal observation, but at the same time, it’s a film of solitude as well, that we all share, not in a good or bad way. It’s just a solitude, that can sometimes bring us happiness as well, I think.






[Q3 from Shenzhen]

We know that previously you’ve always been working with unprofessional actors and actresses, some of which are also your friends. This time you are working with many professional actors and actresses, including Tilda Swinton, and famous Columbian actors. So, first of all, why did you choose two Hernáns, that have different looks and different ages? Secondly, how is working with professional actors, in terms of … and the end result, different from your previous experiences?


Thank you. For Hernán, originally there is one man, the role is played by one man with different makeup or special effects. But after I look at the actors and read the film over and over, I realize that maybe Hernán doesn’t exist, it could be any man, in the same way that Jessica, that Tilda played, could be Hernán as well. When you look at the last scene, it is this revelation of how everyone is connected, and every memory just manifest and is affected as one global union. And I think, in the latter half of the film, it tells the audience that this is not reality, this is cinema. So, for me, Hernán can be ten people, it doesn’t matter, that’s the point.

For the second question, I feel that, I don’t know this much difference, I think that Tilda and other actors who come into this film, are very open. In fact, Tilda didn’t know Columbia, didn’t know the culture, the language. Everything is so new to her, and to me too. … the Columbia actors to restart everything new. Everyone gets the total time to spend together, so we became friends. I feel that even my past films, or this film, or the future, I don’t think I can work with professionals, because I am no professional as well. So, everything is about being fresh, and not tied to any kind of pre conception of acting, or directing even. That’s my idea.






[Q4 from Beijing]

In this film, we see that Jessica is almost acting like a memory device, that acquires others’ memory and experience by a touch. It’s almost reminding us of how different electronic devices syncing data with each other by the contacts of …. Apparently, even Jessica has her own culture and ideology, she has no difficulty understanding the other culture. Is it bold to say that perhaps that’s also how you visualize the future communication between human kind, that we would be able to sync our data, or information, or ideas with each other through a touch, that will be overcoming culture difference or all kinds of differences?


It’s hard to say, I think the film itself, the medium, the cinema, is like a bridge that allows us to empathize with other being, because for the course of two hours, you became Jessica, you could hear the sound no body hears but she heard. So, for me, it’s just the play of this kind of device that unifies people. But I think to unify people, at the same time, we can sense these differences in us, to see different cultures, to see how different we are. It is also very profound to be human, and to see how differences can be together as well, and we are allowed to be living in each one’s own way.

I think cinema has these two qualities that, it’s like a dream that we lose our own identity during the night, it allows us to be someone else, to see something unique. But at the same time, when we experience that, it also unifies us as well, that we all go through this together. I just want to say that with these two distinct qualities, cinema already works like magic.





[Q5 from Shanghai and Hangzhou]

In this film, we see that you try a lot of different things with sound materials, however in the last scene, you are not just using sound, also you showed an image. Why did you choose to use image to reveal the answer? What is the role of sound and image in this film?


That scene was actually just one of the possibilities, because there are many many possibilities of that sound, I think that (choice) is kind of personal, because it’s my experience, when I grew up, I was really attached to that genre of film, or novel.

At the same time, you can see the sound design, it reveals an image when Hernán sleeps by the river, everything is so artificial. Filmmaking is about putting sound and image together, and it is kind of related to the previous question, that it makes us look at ourselves, we are also like film, we are just collecting memories, and experience with these two important senses, visual and sound. So, I think that’s the point.




[Q6 from Shenzhen live]

You previously mentioned that you don’t watch films that much anymore, but we also see that you are working on the next project. Why is that?


I like reading books. I feel that there is a lot of repetition in filmmaking. For me, I have a lot to do, meaning that I enjoy being in nature, I enjoy being with the dog, and I enjoy making films, but not seeing them. Lately, I also enjoy sharing, with film students and filmmakers of different age. I feel that I have a question, why do we keep making films. This is my own question too, that I cannot answer yet, because I feel like if I don’t watch films, why do I make them. One of the answers is that the process of making is really enriching, and it challenges me in the way that, how to look at the world through film is something very profound for me at the point in life, also, to discuss, especially with the young generation, what is cinema to them, what is life to them.




[Q7 from Shanghai live]

I actually graduated from the same university that you went to in Chicago, two years ago. When I was student there, one of the professors mentioned that he doesn’t think you are inspired by Chicago, the city itself, in any way. So, I’m just curious, has this Chicago memory ever come back to you? Has it ever occurred to you in the future, it does have some impact on you, in what form it will show in your life again?


I think Chicago, for me, is not a place to make films, but a place to understand, because I have so many wonderful teachers and friends, and the experience of looking from there at Thailand is very precious. I was just there last month, sharing films with students there, so it has that purpose of education, and it’s kind of like a second home (to me).

But when I make films, I’m so attached to my own childhood memory. Even now, I’ve been living in the north of Thailand for fifteen years, I still keep going back to the northeast of Thailand where I grew up. So, even within Thailand, I have very specific area that I shoot my films.

(The making of) Memoria and the next film, is something very different, it’s a challenge, it really opens up a different new path for me. With Memoria experience, it really showed that you can make films anywhere but still be yourself. You can read your memory, your childhood the way you look at life with you.







[Q8 from Beijing live]

In your films, there are a lot of elements of ghost, I’m just curious, in reality have you ever seen ghost?


I have experienced something, but I’m not sure. It comes in the form of smell and feelings. If I explain to you, it would be too long. But at this time, I don’t really believe in ghost, or incarnation, or even aliens. Because I really believe in science, I think science is about discover, and to know that everything is really uncertain, that it can be proved right or wrong in the future, with human evolution and technological evolution. So, at this point I think it’s kind of useless to say if ghost exists or not.



[last words from director]

I’d like to say the last words, I’d like to say thank you so much to the organizer, to make this happen, to link so many cities. Thank you for the audience to join us for the evening. For me, this film only works in the theatre, I hope you can feel this energy of being together, really see this time passing, and to share this beauty of listening. It sometimes can be more magical than seeing a ghost. I hope you agree. And have a good night.




Monaghan • here
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