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原名:La mia amica geniale又名:我的天才女友 幕后纪录片 / My True Brilliant Friend

分类:纪录片 /  意大利  2018 

简介: 《我的天才女友》衍生幕后纪录片,提供了详实的独家拍摄花絮,以及剧版完整的诞生流程


我真正的天才女友影评:Lenu & Lila

献给我最爱最爱的My Brilliant Friend!果然演员本身就有Lenu和Lila的特质,再加上一年多的排练和拍摄,才为我们展现出如此美妙而细腻的剧集。
1. 选角时,Gaia13岁,她梦想去好莱坞演戏,她热爱演戏。那是16年夏天Gaia和朋友排练戏剧时,Gaia发现自己对戏剧情有独钟,参加了一个acting school,她觉得艺术学校的课程很有趣,每天都很开心it was wonderful, she never stopped smiling;选角时,Margherita14岁,高中,从没想过做演员,之前也没有任何学校社团的演出经验,但她对试镜的过程乐在其中。她不知道自己长大会做什么,她想学习语言,但她想要一份可以经常旅行的工作。
2. 第二轮选角时,Gaia作为Lila的角色,负责和Elena的选角对台词。她选择了Margherita,因为Gaia immediately felt a bond.
3. 选角成功后,Gaia没有告诉任何朋友,她也没有best friend,只有老师和家长知道。Margherita也没有告诉同学,她不想让全班都知道,然后就与班上的同学“不辞而别”了。但是她告诉了她的一位好朋友,两人开玩笑,说以后会签名、走红毯、金球奖之类的。
4. 临行前,Margherita一家人吃饭,爸爸开玩笑说自己会有一个长着青春痘的胖胖的女儿了。他劝女儿放轻松,多一些自信do you know that she is terrified of the pimples that they will give on set? I’ll have a pimply daughter, with huge boots. Honey, look on the bright side, if you become famous, nobody will recognize you. Take it easy. “Who is that pimply and chubby girl?” But you are cute and thin.
1. Margherita不善表达情感,但所幸Elena总是相对安静的:I have an issue with emotions. I don’t know how to express them. The others know how to improvise well, but I just can’t. I don’t know what to say. But since Elena is quiet, I am too.
2. Margherita不喜欢Elena总是屈服于Lila,觉得Elena有些软弱。但同时她经常和Elena一样,退后悄悄观察别人:I don’t like Elena because she is too weak…also because she is always submitting to Lila. It bothers me to be beneath someone who bosses me around. But at the same time, I am Elena, because I’m always a step behind observing whole others do. In life, too. I’m a bit more active in life, but I observe people a lot. So does Elena.
3. Lila doesn’t think she treats Elena poorly. 她逐渐理解了Lila这个角色,她情绪多变,就像龙卷风。Bit by bit, I started to understand my character, Lila. She can be really mean but also really nice. She can be upset and then sad a few seconds later. She is a whirlwind of emotions. Like me.
4. 通常Lila的台词比较多,Elena没有台词,Margherita难以把握,只会木木地看着她,导演给出帮助。导演认为Elena的台词少,但难度更大,需要演员与Lila感同身受:Your job is simpler but much more difficult. You have to be the lead without being the lead. She needs to work on tremendous nuances of her performance. But at least there is text. You have to do the same but invisibly, without devices, it’s much more complicated. You must approach it altruistically, you must truly love Lila, and understand the weight and the responsibility of being her. Take a vacation from yourself, from your cynical defense mechanisms, and you will see what an amazing journey awaits.

1. 训练结束,真正拍摄的前一晚,Margherita有一些焦虑,因为她从来都没有拍过电影,一切都是未知崭新的;Gaia 兴奋迫不及待can’t wait to go on set.
2. 两人拍戏压力都很大,Margherita每晚做梦都会梦见导演,Gaia会梦见拍戏的场景。
3. Gaia一点都不怀恋之前的生活,甚至不愿去回想;Margherita misses parts of it有一点怀恋,她想念朋友,曾经的指甲油,和家人一起看电影的时光。But I’m having fun here. I don’t remember what normal life is like. Lila says she doesn’t want to remember.
4. Margherita想念她原本的长直发,而不是现在的短卷发。Gaia觉得Margherita现在的发型很好看,Margherita说you look good that way, not me.
5. 通过这次拍摄,Gaia坚定了自己当演员的决心。她不怕吃苦,享受拍摄的过程Being on set changes you. I realized I want to be an actress. I knew it before, but this confirmed it. if you want to be an actress for success, or for fame, or for money, you can’t. because being on set from morning until night, sacrificing everything, friends, family. You can’t do it if you want it. it’s not a problem for me, I’m happy. That’s all I need…is to be there and to act.
6. 拍摄后期,Margherita认为自己已彻底融入戏里的世界,但与原本的朋友失去联系让她感到害怕When I’m on set, I lose touch with reality. I don’t know what day or month it is. I’m in another world. This scares me, I don’t want to lose touch with my friends.
7. Gaia不爱学习,她打算退学并参加GED(美国高中同等学力证书)。她和妈妈谈起学习、考试、教导主任就发脾气,怼了一句thanks。她想到集中训练就很开心,不用在家写作业了;Margherita计划一个月回一次学校,并且她晚上回到酒店仍会学习, 也请了家教在酒店辅导。
1. Gaia喜欢番茄酱,Margherita喜欢蛋黄酱 “we are opposites”.
2. 睡衣派对上,Margherita被疯狂丢枕头,实在受不了了大喊“我是绸缎睡衣!
3. Margherita最喜欢Ischia海滩的戏,因为她和nino在一起(感觉他们关系不错,在cast dinner上有单独一起跳舞);她不喜欢跳舞那场戏,因为她什么都没做just stand and watch,她评价这场戏 “total boredom”。这场最无聊的dance scene结束后,演员一起唠嗑,Margherita感叹what a drag!导演听到说what do you mean? What a drag? You are fired. Just standing there while everyone’s dancing is a drag! 剧组欢乐多多。
4. Margherita稍微有点严肃,总是被导演“取笑”。导演叫她Pizza del Gesù(某个教堂,大概因为比较严肃)。杀青时,导演说she chuckles…but not with that “Piazza del Gesù” face;她说台词时总是端着胳膊,仿佛端着一杯Martini,导演干脆直接叫她Martini. “say your lines but without the Martini, please.”
5. Gaia的婚礼是杀青戏,之后Margherita要前往海滩拍摄。Margherita问她是否要去Ischia参加剧组的完工派对,她说不去,没必要,她会提前自己的完工派对。两人感叹回家真是糟糕,分别就在眼前。Margherita说直到明年她都会很depressed.
五、Promotion in America and Venice
1. Margherita很高兴能去美国做影片宣传,她从未出过意大利。Suddenly it was all over. Six months of shooting seemed like forever, but it flew by. But we are leaving again.
2. 在美国两人第一次看预告片,Gaia一直在哭,Margherita不时拉着她的手安慰她。
3. Margherita认为排练很有必要。Gaia认为排练不是必须的,至少对她自己不是。第一季需要彩排是因为她从来没有拍过电影,第二季有经验之后就不需要了。
4. 关于未来的演员之路。
Gaia: 你想一直拍戏吗?
Margherita: 目前不好说。可能在美国吧,但肯定不会在意大利,我不想在意大利拍戏。
G: 所以我们都会在美国成为演员?
M: 不,你去纽约,我在洛杉矶。
G: 不,所有地方我都会去



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