
0.0 很差

原名:Picture a Scientist又名:

分类:纪录片 /  美国  2020 

简介: Despite the minimal news coverage, sexua


科学家的模样影评:WAS, IS, and COULD BE ME

"You can say *I don’t do it* but you can't say *I don’t see it*"

What is the most original argument of the work?

Science is thought by many (including myself) to be the most objective thing in the world. Yet, science is a human endeavor, and we see this world through our own eyes so our perspectives can be biased. The scientific evidence of gender bias in science is so striking that "one can say *I don’t do it* (because that's your opinion and choice) but can't say *I don’t see it*"

How does it differ with similar works?

I haven't known enough about this subject so the database for comparison is quite small. The movie reminds me of the book *Invisible women* in many aspects, but differ in the narrative style and the use of graphics to present data.

How does it influence me?

Certainly, I need more education. However, the reason why the bias remain in human culture for thousands of year and in science for hundreds of years suggests we need to speak and listen more. The tip of the iceberg is relatively visible but the deeper part is where the larger fraction lies and much harder to identify. If we want to make changes, we have to actively do something; if we want to do something for others, we should listen to them and get feedback.

However, there is a dilemma. What can be found through self-reflection is limited because some things are taken for granted for so long, thus feedback from others is critical, while no one has the obligation to give me any education, considering the benefit is usually negligible to the cost. In addition, this kind of education adds to the burden of those already in disadvantage. Thus, the construction of the feedback loop requires a mechanism that foster the speaking out and make those believe their efforts are not in vain.

Why give 7/10?

+1 for having influence on me. Might adjust later when the database is larger.

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