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原名:The Filth and the Fury又名:

分类:纪录片 / 音乐 / 传记 /  英国   2000 





johnny rotten的声音比较明显,steve jones和paul cook的声音我不太分辨得出来,就【???】了,对不起…

关于Johnny & Sid

【Sid】I thought they were gonna do me over, 'cause I didn't turn up to one of Rotten's parties or something. He gets touchy over things like that.

【Johnny】Sid loved the Pistols, as a fan, but being on stage with us, he couldn't cope. He wasn't being himself anymore. He was trying to be Johnny Rotten, with the drugs.

【Johnny】Steve and Paul flew around America with Malcolm. They didn't want to be on the tour bus, 'cause they were "really bored with that reggae, man." But the point is, Sid's my mate, and I don't want him to be a junkie. This is why we traveled on the bus, this is why Sid was to stick with me.

【Johnny】That was my first time in America. Sid would sit next to me, and we's look out the window, and we'd stare at the endless scenery, and imagine John Wayne and the Indians. You wouldn't sleep, you wouldn't want to, because it was so first time.

【Johnny】I despise Sid for it, and I'll despise anyone for messing with it ever since. It is the only drug that really cancels out all creativity. It is about self-pity. It is the lowest worst form of life.

【Johnny】I'd have dropped Sid in a second at that particular point for the band, because I knew he was fucking up.

【Sid】That's a load of cobblers. I was just playing bass, and going crazy, and leaping up and down. And he thought I was trying to take over his position as the "New Johnny Rotten". I don't wanna be a junkie for the rest of my life. I don't wanna be a junkie at all.

【Johnny】I knew the second Sid would smack himself up again, that was the end.

【Johnny】I feel nothing but grief, sorrow and sadness for Sid. To the point like, if I really like, talk about it, I just fucking burst out in tears. He was someone I really cared for.

【Johnny】I've lost my friend. I couldn't have changed it. I was too young. God, I wish I was smarter. You can look back on it, and go, "I could have done something". He died, for fuck's sake. They just turned it into making money. "Ha, ha, ha, ha..." How hilarious for them. Fucking cheek. I'll hate them forever for doing that.


【Johnny】You don't write "God Save the Queen" because you hate the English race. You write a song like that because you love them, and you're fed up with them being mistreated.

【Johnny】Leather jackets came with the heroin. Vampirish goth look came with the heroin. This ruined Sid...Because he was a complete gullible fashion victim.

【???】The cliche punk look which became the postcard punk, with a Mohican, and all black, with spiky hair and all that. It was never like that to start with. They didn't have the money to go out and buy a 50 quid leather jacket.

【Johnny】And all those garbage, trashy bands, basically all saying, "Yeah, we're a punk band", wrecked it outright. It became acceptable, absorbed back into the system.

【Johnny】The gigs were pretty frightening, 'cause of all the publicity that had preceded us. People were coming there just to see this freak show.

关于Malcolm McLaren和乐队解体

【???】Malcolm, he liked the idea of Sid being outrageous, however much it fucked things up for the band. I think he encouraged him. I remember Sid saying once, he could never be outrageous enough. And Malcolm's going, "Yes, yes, I agree. You can go mad, go all the way."

【Johnny】Is it impossible to have a sound check? Malcolm would set it up to look ridiculous. We were all cheated, audience, and lead singer alike.

【???】John came over, and we tried to have a "clear the air" talk, and we said to him, "I don't wanna carry on, really much longer the way this is going. It's, like, just totally pointless. Someone's gonna get killed, you know?" John said he thought the problem was Malcolm, and we should get rid of Malcolm and carry on, and try and work it out that way.

【???】I didn't really hang out with John. He was always draining to me. Took up a lot of energy. Malcolm I got along with, so I kinda went to to McLaren's side. Another thing I regret.

【???】I apologised to John that I fucking bailed. We might have continued if we'd have got rid of Malcolm. But that's just the way I felt. And I couldn't get away from my feelings at the time.

【Johnny】I knew it had to end. I didn't think it would end with them being total wanker cowards. Steve and Paul fannied out on me.

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