极品基老伴 第一季

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原名:Vicious又名:绝世老基 / 邪恶老娘泡 / 基阳红 / 余忆同志时 / Vicious Old Queens

分类:喜剧 / 同性 /  英国  2013 

简介: 故事聚焦住在英国伦敦考文特花园的一对老同志弗雷迪(伊安·麦克莱恩 Ian McK


极品基老伴 第一季影评:Ian McKellen关于此剧的问答

  Q: What drew you to Vicious?
  A: Derek and I arranged a reading with friends. We went round to Derek’s and read the script, and our friends laughed all the way through. I thought, “Aha, it works.” Its aim is to entertain people by making them laugh, and once I realised it did, I was very glad to do it.
  Q: Please describe your character for us.
  A: Freddie is a pain in the neck, but he’s also a survivor. He’s game. He’s always up for it. He is also honest and is not afraid to speak his mind. I really do like Freddie.
  Q: How would you characterise the relationship between Freddie and Stuart?
  A: It’s a relationship of long standing. They have fallen into the habit of being horrid to each other. Although they’ve got into this habit, they clearly still love each other in the way that people who have been together for nearly 50 years do. They’ve survived. Anyone who was gay in the 1970s was rather heroic -‐ when Freddie and Stuart first knew each other, it was actually illegal. But they’ve come through thick and thin together, and are still incredibly close.
  Q: Do they like to keep the rest of the world at bay?
  A: Yes. They are not aware of much outside their own flat. They keep their curtains closed to shut out the outside world. The serious point is that for much of their lives they have had to live privately.
  Q: Do you think this show will shock some people?
  A: No. It’s not aiming to shock people. It won’t alarm anyone. It isn’t a satire or an expose of gay life. These characters just happen to be gay. For me it is as if TV has grown-‐up. In the past gay characters in sitcoms have been figures of fun. They were funny because they were gay. But I like the fact that these characters are funny because of the people they are. That’s a real advance.
  Q: What do you think its appeal will be?
  A: I think it’s a family show that will get the broadest possible demographic. Old people will respond to it and see themselves in it, gay people will respond to it and see themselves in it, and the rest will respond to it and see themselves in it. Everyone will be able to relate to these characters. It wasn’t meant to be a gay or an old audience.
  Q: Have you enjoyed the studio recordings?
  A: Very much so. Initially it seems confusing because as a theatre actor you think the audience is out there. But you have to remember that you also playing to an audience down the camera. You have to rely on the wonderful director, Ed Bye, who is a veteran of this type of comedy, to make sure you get the level right. Also at first it’s worrying as you think, “Am I going to remember the lines?” In the theatre, you have more rehearsal time, and in film you can stop and start. But with this, you just have to keep going. However, it’s really useful to have the studio audience there because they tell you exactly what’s funny.
  Q: How have you found it working with Gary Janetti?
  A: It’s been wonderful. It’s a fairly traditional sitcom which reminds me of The Golden Girls or I Love Lucy. Gary is very, very alert to what’s comedic. He writes hythmically and with great accuracy. He is very particular that we speak the lines exactly as they are written, in order to elicit a laugh. He’s marvellous to work with. All in all, it’s been a bit of a love-‐in!
  Q: What are the advantages of casting you and Derek as Freddie and Stuart?
  A: We don’t have to pretend we’ve known each other for 50 years because we have. It was a great relief when I saw the first episode and Freddie and Stuart looked as if they’d been together forever. That ease with each other is essential to the show. Some people will be delighted that Derek and I are making fun of ourselves. We’ve had a ball making Vicious. It’s been an absolute delight.

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