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原名:Happiness又名:你快乐吗? / 爱我就让我幸福

分类:剧情 / 喜剧 /  美国  1998 

简介: 乔伊(简·亚当斯 Jane Adams 饰)、海伦(劳拉·弗林·鲍尔 Lara


爱我就让我快乐影评:It not that that i can....


Todd Solondz's ``Happiness'' is a film that perplexes its viewers, even those who admire it, because it challenges the ways we attempt to respond to it. Is it a portrait of desperate human sadness? Then why are we laughing? Is it an ironic comedy? Then why its tenderness with these lonely people? Is it about depravity? Yes, but why does it make us suspect, uneasily, that the depraved are only seeking what we all seek, but with a lack of ordinary moral vision? In a film that looks into the abyss of human despair, there is the horrifying suggestion that these characters may not be grotesque exceptions, but may in fact be part of the mainstream of humanity. Whenever a serial killer or a sex predator is arrested, we turn to the paper to find his neighbors saying that the monster ``seemed just like anyone else.'' ``Happiness'' is a movie about closed doors--apartment doors, bedroom doors and the doors of the unconscious. It moves back and forth between several stories, which often link up. It shows us people who want to be loved and who never will be--because of their emotional incompetence and arrested development. There are lots of people who do find love and fulfillment, but they are not in this movie.

Why see the film? ``Happiness'' is about its unhappy characters, in a way that helps us see them a little more clearly, to feel sorry for them, and at the same time to see how closely tragedy and farce come together in the messiness of sexuality. Does ``Happiness'' exploit its controversial subjects? Finally, no: It sees them as symptoms of desperation and sadness. It is more exploitative to create a child molester as a convenient villain, as many movies do; by disregarding his humanity and seeing him as an object, such movies do the same thing that a molester does.
那么为什么要看这部电影?它讲述了那些不幸福的人物。讲述的方式让我们看他们看的更清楚,开始同情他们,同时让我们看到悲剧和戏剧相结合的两性之间的乱事。影片是在剖析(exploit)这些具争议性的话题吗?到最后我们发现没有。它把这些东西看作是绝望和悲伤的症状。更加赤裸的剖析,应该就和大多数电影一样,把一个性骚扰儿童者塑造成一个信手拈来的坏蛋(convenient villain)。但是影片把他的人格降级,把他看作一个物体。这种做法无异于一个性骚扰者。

These are the kinds of thoughts ``Happiness'' inspires. It is not a film for most people. It is certainly for adults only. But it shows Todd Solondz as a filmmaker who deserves attention, who hears the unhappiness in the air and seeks its sources.
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