王冠 第三季

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原名:The Crown又名:

分类:剧情 / 历史 /  美国   2019 

简介: 《王冠》讲述世界上两个鼎鼎大名的地方(白金汉宫和唐宁街 10 号)的内幕故事,并


王冠 第三季影评:S03: Dedicate to Delicacy

E01: Olding
Olding是新任工党(左翼)首相Harold Wilson在初上任时,Philip亲王从lunch club听来的所谓Wilson在KGB(苏联情报机构)的“代号”,本集基于此和Annibale Carracci的《真理和时间的寓言》(Allegory of Truth and Time),阐明了真相和表象的关系。另一方面,olding也可以理解为“逐渐老去”,呼应了片头女王看着两版邮票自嘲“old bat”,表明新一季的时间跨度。
时间在大多数文艺复兴的艺术作品中都被描绘成老人的形象,以片中Annibale Carracci的《真理和时间的寓言》为例,直接复制Sir Anthony Blunt的原话:
As time passes, so we learn. Truths are revealed.
In the late Renaissance, painting after painting, masterpiece after masterpiece, seem full of hidden intentions, multiple meanings. Annibale Carracci’s Allegory of Truth and Time, painted in 1584 or 1585. This winged figure here, rescues a young woman, his daughter from the darkness. He is Time, she is Truth. And this figure below trampled by truth is Deceit. Carracci’s message is clear: be patient, the truth will out. The message in coded in the painting is repeated in reality.
Deceit is two faced, she has a second monstrous visage. Truth may lie beneath the surface, buried, forgotten, but time has a way of uncovering it.
One thinks as the Merchant di Venice, truth will come to light, murder cannot be hid long, a man’s son may, but at the length, truth will out.
E02: Margaretology
谈及父亲George VI对俩姐妹的评价,女王说:“Elisabeth is my pride and Margret is my joy.” 但是Margaret坚持:“Elisabeth is my pride but Margret is my joy.”
对君主角色的探讨贯穿三季,这一切可以缘于George VI的哥哥Edward VIII为了与离异的Wallis Simpson结婚而放弃王位,延续至Charles作为一个有性格、有想法的王储与曾任国王Edward VIII的共鸣。在传统的王室和保守党观念中,君主应该神圣至上,更多地是一个符号象征而不是有血有肉的人,给予人民精神的凝聚力、来源于神秘感的威严,而非现实生活的真实感。王室做过一系列透明化自身的举动以拉拢民众,在不同的时期却得到了截然不同的反馈,王室也仍在不断探索二者之间的平衡。
关于个性化与符号化,借用Philip亲王引用的一段服务过四位君王的私人秘书长Tommy Lascelles关于温莎王室的理论:
He asked me to imagine a mythological creature, a Reichsadler, a polycephalous, a two-headed eagle. For the purposes of this conversation,I want you to think of it as representing us. This family,your family. There have always been the dazzling Windsors and the dull ones. Your father…dull, sorry. Your grandfather, too. George V, deadly dull. At the height of the Great War, when the Tsar and the Kaiser and the Emperor of Austria were dazzling the world, where was he? He was sticking stamps in his album. His wife, Queen Mary…ditchwater. And so it goes, through George V to Queen Victoria and back. An uninterrupted line of stolid, turgid dreariness. “Culminating in me?” Well, yes, but...alongside that dull, dutiful, reliable, heroic strain, runs another. The dazzling, the brilliant, the individualistic, and...the dangerous. And so, for every Victoria, you get an Edward VII. For every George V, you get a Prince Eddy. For every George VI, you get an Edward VIII. For every Lilibet…you get a Margaret.And she may have had a success in Washington, but let's not delude ourselves that serious diplomacy can be achieved through drinking and dancing. Let Margaret have the glory, but let's not rewrite the constitutional rulebook because she got lucky once.
最后整理一下此剧目前尺度最大的dirty jokes,是Margaret为了帮助英国政府得到美国经济援助,应邀与美国总统约翰逊在白宫共进晚餐,在after party上俩人对酒的打油诗。
M: There was a young woman from Delaware/ Who liked to make love in her underwear/ A terrible prude/ She would never go nude/ And her bum, hips, and tits she would never bare.
J: There was a young man from Wisconsin/ Who was blessed with an enormously large Johnson.
M: There was a young lady from Dallas/ Who used a dynamite stick as a phallus/ They found her vagina in North Carolina/ And her arsehole in Buckingham Palace.

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