实习医生格蕾 第一季

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原名:Grey's Anatomy又名:医人当自强(台) / 格蕾的解剖 / 外科实习生格蕾 / 实习医生 / Surgeons

分类:剧情 / 爱情 /  美国  2005 

简介: 西雅图格雷斯医院迎来新一批实习生,梅雷迪斯·格雷(艾伦·旁派 Ellen Pom


实习医生格蕾 第一季影评:为什么每次看都要让我狂飙眼泪,after ep413

好吧,我承认我的哭点真的很低,每集grey都能让我狂飙眼泪,但仅限于有人病了有人死了有人还紧紧地追逐着希望寻求着生机。对于那几个男女关系可以用排列组合随意凑成一对419的医生们,我只能笑笑而已。All of women Derek likes in the same elevator,so at that moment he would rather take the stairs.

那个得了脑瘤间歇性发癫发飙的男人,虽然不承认是因为脑瘤一时“判断失误”而取了一个女招待,他也知道不可能有人再像他那样犯这样的“错误”了,他在自己情绪失控的时候依旧在给自己的老婆“找男人”,并不是tumor talks,是last wishes--I'm trying to fix jennifer up. I don't want to leave her alone. It's the one thing about all this I really can't stand. I just want her to be all right when I'm gone. Derek让他记住这些话并亲口告诉自己的老婆,最终他在被推进手术室之前告诉他的老婆:I want you to meet someone. I want you to promise me you'll try....I can't...I can't do this thinking I'm leaving you alone. 说罢,他又狂癫着大笑起来。虽然他走了,但至少her last memory is not his dying husband calling her a piece of ass.

我最爱的Maranda,冷眼旁观着周遭的小医生们轰轰烈烈地演绎爱情人生,轻描淡写地跟Addison带过他们各自的绯闻,关于自己的她什么也没有说,她只是工作工作再工作。即便是面对a perfect sounding board。。。 a safe confidant。。。的addison,她始终伪装强势:I can't catch up with you. I can't talk. Cause if I did, if I told you tucker moved out, if I told you I haven't slept alone in 12 years, if I told you that my heart hurt so much sometimes, I want to rip it from my chest with my own hands...I would fall apart. And I don't have time to fall apart. And not that I'm not happy to see you...I am...but I wish that you would go home so the choice to talk and fall apart would go away. 泪水在她的眼眶里打转,我却早已经决堤。工作不能填补心灵被划过的缝隙,那么至少用工作来掩盖一下自己的脆弱吧。

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实习医生格蕾 第一季
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