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原名:Homme Less又名:流浪型男攝影師

分类:纪录片 /  奥地利  2014 




When I first visited New York in the early 90s one of my most vivid memories, apart form the overwhelming impact this city had on me, was of a man on the street trying to fish coins out of a subway shaft using a string with a magnet attached to it. At the time I experienced it as one of those typically bizarre New York moments rather than as a glimpse into the dark side of this amazing city. I was blinded and overwhelmed by the vibrant energy of Manhattan and took it all in with joy. New York seduced me like a beautiful woman and I was happy to follow her.
In 2008 I decided to move to New York. Soon I realized that this experience was wholly different from visiting as a tourist. The ‘beautiful woman’ made me realize what a big privilege it was to be with her, a privilege that had its price. New York isn’t for everyone. It’s a tough place to make a living and to get by. After couch surfing all over town, I managed to find and afford my own place. I felt like I finally had arrived and was part of this great city.
Once you’re hooked it’s hard to leave New York. Little did I know at the time that some people develop extremely innovative ways to hold on to her, despite all the pressures, financial and otherwise, she puts on them.
We usually recognize homeless people from their behavior and the way they look. They appear to have no direction and move slowly, if at all. They seem to have lost their ability to be a productive part of society—or refuse to—and therefore we tend to see them as disabled. We immediately distance ourselves, as if they had a contagious disease.
通常我们是从行为和外貌上去辨别一个 “流浪汉”的,他们总走得缓慢且漫无目的,而且看上去已丧失了为社会做贡献的能那种力,或者不如说他们拒绝生产(做出贡献)。因此我们倾向于将流浪汉看作是无能、残废的一类人。(如果遇到他们)我们总是立马躲开,就像他们身上有可怕的传染病似的。
We may pity them and throw them a dime but we draw a solid line between what we see as their dysfunctional lives and our ‘normality’. We feel safe on our side of the divide and are convinced this could never happen to us. But what if homelessness is nearer to us than we think, invisible and almost indistinguishable from what we call normal? What if many of ‘us’ are just one paycheck away from losing everything, even our homes? What if homelessness is already part of our so-called ‘normality’?
但是,如果流浪汉比我们所想象得更靠近我们,(他们)隐蔽且几乎和大众认为的“正常”相差无几,会怎么样呢?如果我们中的很多人因为害怕失去所拥有的物质或是家就将自己变成一张工资支票,会怎么样呢? 如果流浪汉早已成为我们所谓的“正常人”的一部分,会怎么样呢?
Mark and I go back a long way. We first met in Vienna more than 20 years ago where we worked in the fashion industry as male models, both pursuing a life of glamor. We ran into each other in different cities at the most random places over the years, talked about what’s new in our lives and then went our separate ways.
When I saw him again in New York in 2010 he was still a very good-looking guy in his early fifties, well dressed and with no sign of decay. Quite the opposite: he looked like a millionaire living it up in this town. So it was shocking when he finally revealed his unbelievable story to me. At first, I thought he was joking. It felt surreal, like the moment when I heard about the collapse of the banking system or the bankruptcy of whole countries. Something that just didn’t make sense at all. Right away I knew that I wanted to make a documentary film about his life in New York.
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