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原名:ไอ มิส ยู又名:尸恋人(台) / 尸骨未亡(港) / I Miss U

分类:爱情 / 恐怖 /  泰国  2012 

简介: 外科医师潘塔纳(杰西达邦·福尔迪 Jesdaporn Pholdee 饰)英俊帅



Source: Arm Issara; Date: May 30 2012

I MISS U, a Good Thai Movie of the Year We Should Watch…!!!
I MISS U,一部今年值得我们去观赏的泰国电影...!!
At first I thought I would not be able to watch this movie because it was raining heavily but eventually I ducked underground and braved the rain till I got to Ratchada station. It stopped raining then, just a little drizzle, but the traffic heavily jammed. There were no taxicabs and the movie was about to start. I had not yet eaten when I decided to hire a taxi motorcycle to get to Major Ratchayothin in the amount of THB 80 (exactly the cost of a movie ticket on Wednesday).
一开始,因为外面下着大雨我以为自己看不成这部电影了,但是最终我躲在地下里冒着雨直到我来到Ratchada站。雨停了一会儿,外面干了些但是交通却异常拥堵。现在喊不到出租车,可电影就要开始了。当我决定去雇一辆摩托出租车到Major Ratchayothin买一张周三的80株的半价电影票时,连饭都没有吃。
I used to watch some movies made by Monthon Arayangkul previously when he still produced them for the RS Company but I was not all that pleased for the most part. I thought his productions were okay and his workmanship was decent before he disappeared till this one. I did not expect much but I wanted to watch it because I wanted to know what was told in the movie and how. However, it began to strike my mind while I was watching it, uh…it was quite good…
我先前曾看过一些由Monthon Arayangkul为RS Company制作的影片,但我对那些大部分的作品都不甚满意。我觉得在他消失制作这部电影之前,他的出产还不错,做工很是雅致。我并没有期望太多,但是我真的很想看,也因为我想知道这部电影所要传达的信息究竟是什么,又是如何去表现的。然而,当我观看电影时它使我的脑子一片空白,嗯...这部电影很不错。
This is a movie of romantic love but there is just a spirit involved because of an attachment and nostalgic appeal that has held back the spirit till it does not want to depart. Whoever comes in to court the leading male character has to be in disarray. However, that is not the issue the movie presents. That is just seasoning powder to make the movie delicious, palatable, and more to the taste of the audience. The real subject matter besides the introduction of love and attachment is the presentation of psychology played into the story.
I do not want to tell the story of the movie because that will cause it to lose the poetic flavor but I want to say that besides the philosophy of life falling out of the actors’ mouths and it is something we can use in real life, the movie also conceals a lot of other things. This is especially a principal issue that teaches us to let go, not to hold on or ponder on something till we cause our heart to be full of sorrow. The fun for the movie is when the ghost is out. Everybody pushes forward to watch because the ghost is spooky but not fierce although it is scary and sometimes it makes us feel more like amused. This makes the audience startled mixed with cracked up from time to time just enough to be relaxed and cause the movie not to be too intense as if you are watching a ghost movie. Actually, this is a superb romance movie that has brought love and attachment between a man and a spirit together and presented it well through psychological guidance with an insertion of life philosophy that we can follow.
Once in a while we get to watch a movie like this in our country. I would like to give them moral support so they can get through the damnation trend this year for Thai movies. However, I believe once people have watched it, they will tell one another how good the movie is so that will cause a lot more people to watch the movie.
Oh…I forgot to say. This movie has three different endings that will be alternated every week. If you watch the movie at different times and tell different endings, please don’t blame one another. But for this round, we were lucky that they brought all the three types of endings for us to watch. They were all in harmony and it was laudable for the screenplay writer.
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