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原名:Vita and Virginia又名:薇塔与吴尔芙(台) / Vita & Virginia

分类:剧情 / 爱情 / 同性 / 传记 /  爱尔兰   2018 



薇塔与弗吉尼亚影评:三个V的瓜? -- Vita Violet Virginia


Vita的前女友Violet Trefusis

When Violet was 14, she confessed her love to Vita and gave her a ring. (这个剧情好熟悉,Anne Lister和Tib在寄宿制学校时也干过)In 1910, after the death of Edward VII, Mrs Keppel made her family observe a "discretion" leave of about two years before re-establishing themselves in British society. When they returned to London, the Keppels moved to a house in Grosvenor Street. At that time, Violet learned that Vita was soon to be engaged to Harold Nicolson and was involved in an affair with Rosamund Grosvenor. Violet made it clear that she still loved Vita, but became engaged to make Vita jealous. This did not stop Vita from marrying Harold (in October 1913), nor did he curtail his own homosexual adventures after marriage.(没想到名流谈恋爱也这么小学🐔。Vita的老公本身也是同性石锤不断,两个人是开放式婚姻。)

Violet made Denys promise never to have sex with her as a condition for marriage. (Violet是纯种姬佬)

The climax came when Harold told Vita that Violet had been unfaithful to her (with Denys). (Denys是Violet的老公)Violet tried to explain and assured Vita of her innocence (which was in all likelihood true). Vita was much too angry and upset to listen, and fled saying she couldn't bear to see Violet for at least two months.(Vita这里很渣,明明自己都和老公生了两个孩子了,却还对Violet子虚乌有的“innocence”感到生气)

In January 1921, Vita and Violet made a final journey to France, where they spent six weeks together. At this time, Harold threatened to break off the marriage if Vita continued her escapades. When Vita returned to England in March, it was practically the end of the affair. Violet was sent to Italy; and, from there she wrote her last desperate letters to their mutual friend Pat Dansey, having been forbidden from writing directly to Vita. At the end of the year, Violet had to face the facts and start to build her life from scratch.(可以看出来1921年两人关系的破裂与Vita老公脱不了干系,Vita是贵族女子,无法承受被离婚遭受的名誉损害)

一些关于Vita老公Harold Nicolson的题外话:


In December 1917 Nicolson had to explain to Sackville-West that he had contracted a venereal disease as a result of an anonymous homosexual encounter, and he had probably passed it to her. As it turned out, he had not.


In the same year, Sackville-West become involved in an intense relationship with Violet Trefusisthat nearly wrecked her marriage; as Nicolson wrote in his diary, "Damn! Damn! Damn! Violet. How I loathe her".

Virginia Woolf. Orlando: A Biography. New York: Crosby Gaige, 1928. Number 755 of 800 copies signed by the author.


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