
6.0 还行

原名:Meet Bill又名:比尔 / Bill

分类:剧情 / 喜剧 /  美国  2007 

简介: 比尔(艾伦·艾克哈特 Aaron Eckhart 饰)不知道自己的生活怎么会沦落


遇见比尔影评:轻轻一笑~what u want? We don't know!

but I still don't know what I want?

But iisten to me, and this is important.
I dont want you to float through iife pretending nothing matters
Because trust me, one day you're going to wake up,
and you're going to realize you dont have the iife you wanted.
you understand?
I understand, Bill.
影片就此打住,what u want?

01:29:20 l know it's easier to give up your dreams
01:29:28 And to be yourself is harder than it seems
01:29:36 how can l change the world if l can't change myself?
01:29:44 l guess the only thing l can do is take the first step
01:29:52 Out of the dark. l'll find my way
01:29:56 l'm gonna light up the brightest light
01:30:00 Out of the dark. l'll find my way
01:30:04 l'm gonna light up the brightest light
01:30:16 l know the world is cruel to the dreamer's heart
01:30:24 And to find yourself alone is the hardest part
01:30:32 how can l save the world if l can't save myself?
01:30:40 l guess my own two hands
01:30:43 Are the only thing l can count on now
01:30:48 Out of the dark. l'll find my way
01:30:52 l'm gonna light up the brightest light
01:30:56 Out of the dark. l'll find my way
01:31:00 l'm gonna light up the brightest light
01:31:04 Out of the dark. l'll find my way
01:31:08 l'm gonna light up the brightest light
01:31:12 Out of the dark. l'll find my way
01:31:16 l'm gonna light up the brightest light
01:31:28 And all this time l looked outside
01:31:32 For all the things l had inside
01:31:36 And now my fears just disappear
01:31:40 l'm gonna go on building
01:31:44 Out of the dark. l'll find my way
01:31:48 l'm gonna light up the brightest light
01:31:52 Out of the dark. l'll find my way
01:31:56 l'm gonna light up the brightest light
01:32:00 Out of the dark. l'll find my way

you can be whoever you want??? Funny !

  Are you happy?
  i am happy.i am happy.
  But not because of the doughnuts.
  you know, before you got here,
  i was going to teii them i didnt want the franchise anymore.
  i think you shouid keep it.
  Because i dont think this is the iife that i want.
  i dont want to be the doughnut guy.
  i dont want to be the bank guy.
  Quite frankiy, im kind of...
  sick of being the deranged fan guy.
  you can be whoever you want.   
  so funny!
  "Because i dont think this is the iife that i want."
  you don't want to be the doughnut guy,the bank guy,the fan guy.....the every career in our lives,you just don't want to work,you don't want to take your responsibility,you lost in your dreams.face forward,build your target,do something!
  Bill is a joke,he didn't say anything,he just express the American hollow spirit.And it's not suit for us in china.Be realistic!!!
  who the fuck do you want to be???what the fuck life do u want??? Bill don't know,I don't know,too!

那永远也不要醒来,岂不更好~因为我们也不知道我们到底想要什么样的生活。难道我们可以什么也不想做,什么也不想成为,just be ourselves?

我错了,这种片子只会让人越看越颓废。。。wake up!not the “wake up”in the film!

我又错了, 我漏掉了后面几句,也许这才是重点!!!Happy~
01:28:11 Good. Aii right, i have to go.
01:28:14 Where are you going?
01:28:16 i dont know, but im excited to find out.
我们并不知道我们想要去哪里,但我们至少要怀有一颗激动的心去寻找,去追寻人生的答案,过程-the process is the important!Action Now!
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